upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm Case Fan,Quiet Edition High Airflow Adjustable Color LED Case Fan for PC Cases, CPU Coolers,Radiators System,5-Pack / C8123

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Electronics Computers & Accessories Computer Components Internal Components Fans & Cooling Case Fans

Info from Amazon Listing
  • 1.120mm fan for Low-Noise operation without sacrificing performance.
  • 2.C8123-5 PC RGB case fan is compatible with all types of chassis and easy to install.
  • 3.Unlimited color transformation, One key to change RGB color.With 8 ultra-bright RGB LED lights, provides full lighting for your build, achieving magical lighting effects with multiple-choice controls and multiple different modes.
  • 4.The most commonly size(120mm) for computer case & radiators.C8123 is a perfect match for a RGB lighting computer system, The fan is designed to decorate your RGB systems, you can enjoy the performance with a beautiful setting.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 32 mentions • top 28 shown below

r/gamingpc • comment
4 points • casualintrovert_

So unfortunately it doesn't seem like your motherboard is compatible with fans that run rgb through on board software. The only way you'll be able to have rgb fans in your case is if you buy some that come with a separate remote that changes them to whichever color you want on the remote, they're called addressable RGB fans.

As far as it not lighting up when it plugs into the JLED header, I'm not sure how you should address that. I'm sorry I can't be more help there.

Here are some ARGB fans that I thought worked fine when I first built my PC-

upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm Case Fan,Quiet Edition High Airflow Adjustable Color LED Case Fan for PC Cases, CPU Coolers,Radiators System,5-Pack / C8123 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_d5iVFbMG812BT

I'm sorry it didn't work out for ya, I would send those back and get a refund if you can, or find a new motherboard that has an rgb header if you want to shell out another $80-$100. Best of luck to you! God Bless

r/hardwareswap • comment
2 points • obeliskgming


These were purchased pretty recently so probably not the ones you're looking for.

r/PcBuild • comment
2 points • Velzig

https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=UpHere+fans&qid=1603211872&sr=8-5 US link there

r/buildapcforme • comment
1 points • Anees_

Hey thank you for the new build, I really appreciate you being able to fit an upgraded GPU in the build. I have a few questions, would that motherboard need a bios update for me to be able to use the ryzen 5 3600? To be completely honest I have no idea how to do the bios update so I would prefer to not have to do it if possible. I think I'll go with the T-force delta rgb ddr4-3200 16gb kit even though it's $5 more just for the rgb, I would like it to be a little more colorful while remaining the simple black and white aesthetic while it's not turned on. I was able to find the splitter as well, which I will definitely use to make sure my fans aren't too loud. Also instead of those fans would I be able to use these rgb ones instead, I know it goes off the black and white theme but I just wanted it to be a little colorful also I'm not sure about quality wise which would be better but I'll link it below. Also if you have any recommended monitors/peripherals that would be much appreciated as well! https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=sxin_2_ac_d_pm?ac_md=2-1-QmV0d2VlbiAkMjUgYW5kICQ1MA%3D%3D-ac_d_pm&cv_ct_cx=rgb+fans&keywords=rgb+fans&pd_rd_i=B07DHM6SW9&pd_rd_r=f44bdb86-795a-4bfe-aa3c-b4d7d5e8d98a&pd_rd_w=SOMHO&pd_rd_wg=yyXje&pf_rd_p=0e223c60-bcf8-4663-98f3-da892fbd4372&pf_rd_r=KJEKX7XJ3W38M0WDV2N7&psc=1&qid=1584321341

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Zeno-Flare

Corsair fans and NZXT fans are both high quality and quiet, but very expensive (like $100 for a pack of 3 expensive) . On the other hand, you can get a 5 pack of UpHere rgb fans for $28. https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • HarambeThe4th

Thanks for the suggestion! I want to know how to do all of them negative, neutral, positive. How do I know if it’s bringing in air or exhaling air? I got these fans upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Jhg-Eb25RKP4J

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Vunoku

Thank you. Are these compatible? ——-> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_EevtFb6RPZ3EE

What should I be looking for in terms of differentiating the two kinds? Because it doesn’t specifically say on these amazon listings

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • jsrosenkild

Ok I’ll definitely consider that case I ordered these fans for it this morning https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=uphere+rgb+fans&qid=1584862943&sprefix=uphere&sr=8-3

r/buildapcforme • comment
1 points • Faiyaz777

Also adding these rgb fans to your build will spice things ups a lot. upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm Case Fan,Quiet Edition High Airflow Adjustable Color LED Case Fan for PC Cases, CPU Coolers,Radiators System,5-Pack / C8123 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_uBe-Eb1KJXNTG

r/GamingPCBuildHelp • comment
1 points • meelsport55

If u need more fans but using older mb get these right here they come with a controller and that u plug ya six fans into the controller and connect controller to fan hub https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_LhR1Eb30VCAAK

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • JTuCk856

I use uphere fans. Got a 5 pack the other week and they’re great. Also rgb with a remote to change colors, modes, or disable the rgb feature if you font like it. Costed me $27.99 usd so roughly around what your looking for. Got them on amazon. Just have to find the right one.

upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • PearkerJK12

the ones on the top were from amazon but aren’t being sold now for some reason. The fans on the front and bottom of the case are much better. here’s the amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=rgb+fans&qid=1590040726&sr=8-6

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • XxJ33VZxX

something like this will do

r/buildmeapc • comment
1 points • Lekerboy-17

Could also recommend going with the Corsair 4000D airflow instead of h510 for better airflow and front illumination. Personally I like IPS monitors, I'm running 2 LG monitors and their great. Although, LG can be quite expensive. For a headset, the hyperx cloud stingers are really good for the price. Other peripherals I would recommend Corsair, Logitech, or razer depending on your needs and price.
I've also heard good things about these fans on Amazon upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm Case Fan,Quiet Edition High Airflow Adjustable Color LED Case Fan for PC Cases, CPU Coolers,Radiators System,5-Pack / C8123 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_4ZwSFbA6KG688

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • quickcure

I got these ones, they are pretty aesthetically pleasing and easy to setup. They also come with a remote control for the lights.

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • thielvb8

When i bought mine i got this set to go with it and it worked great and looked great too. Great option on a budget.

upHere Wireless RGB LED 120mm Case Fan,Quiet Edition High Airflow Adjustable Color LED Case Fan for PC Cases, CPU Coolers,Radiators System,5-Pack / C8123-5 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_IwrfEbJ2RTSDD

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • Pepeplaystrumpet

Here is some fans. They are rgb and have decent airflow I have a pack in my streaming pc. They are only 35$ us hope this helps! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_DzFmFb63TSQ2V

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • thebigblam

That's a lot of money for Case fans.... https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/

Otherwise buidl looks solid. I might have considered putting the money in for 32gb, because why not.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • ChrisHID

I think spec wise, it’ll be a good system to run most everyday tasks and can do good gaming, or any heavy duty work. As for a first time build, I see you chose a case that’s easy to build in, and has a PSU shroud for cable management. Since it’s your first build, it is really important to do the best cable management you can, and in my opinion, I think your should replace the fans you chose with an RGB set off of Amazon, not just for aesthetic purposes, but the fans that come in an RGB kit all wire to one hub that plugs into your PSU, appose to running each fan individually to your motherboard. The hub also comes with a remote that helps you change the speed and color of the fans easily. Here’s a cheap, but pretty good set right here https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=uphere+rgb+fans&qid=1595481976&sprefix=uphere+&sr=8-3

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • One4speed

UpHere makes a solid kit for about $30. Used them a couple of times for builds and they are pretty solid. Comes with 5 fans and a controller

r/buildapcforme • comment
1 points • sbegbdgnhrnhr

So my build is more white themed, i put the fans seperate since theyre not on pcpartpicker but these are a really good deal Let me explain the build 2070+3600 will be good for every game, the ssd is good but you can get a sata, you cant tell the difference, th hdd is hybrid meaning its also pretty fast. Wifi card: i have this one and its fucking amazing (use the cable extend thingy that comes with it) https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tdzzCL

Fans https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9?ref_=mh_s9_apbd_omg_bkJ2h&pf_rd_r=2EVZPWT2WNYSYMC84S58&pf_rd_p=a254bba3-2cd8-564a-b966-82b5a2c38bc5&pf_rd_s=mobile-hybrid-11&pf_rd_t=BROWSE_ANYWHERE&pf_rd_i=11036291

Sorry its alot over budget but i also reworked the list for 1200$ (This one is under 1200 again buy the fans)

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • XxGamerboyyaxX

1.If I were you I would get a Ryzen 7 3700x (or a 3600) you'll get the same gaming performance but with more threads and at a cheaper price

2.With the new CPU Get a new X570 board along with it

  1. Instead of getting a Samsung 970 get a gigabyte gen 4 ssd that is way faster (also compatible with AMD)

  2. The GPU is fine I guess

5.I recommend getting a better value fan like a $30 5x case fan from Uphere https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=sr_1_2?hvadid=78202882470379&hvbmt=bb&hvdev=c&hvqmt=b&keywords=rgb+fan+case&qid=1579996694&refinements=p_89%3AupHere&rnid=2528832011&sr=8-2

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • SneakyGuyDavid

I’m personally running These Uphere RGB fans, they work pretty decently without breaking the bank, I don’t notice much noise, you don’t need any motherboard header to run the RGB as it has its own controller box powered up by SATA power not molex, and they have a little remote control to change colors. They fans themselves use a proprietary connector and the fan speed cannot be controlled, keep that in mind you won’t be able to mix and match. Still not a bad deal to get RGB on a budget.

Here’s a video demo of my setup about a month ago

r/pcmasterrace • comment
2 points • SirUrza
r/buildmeapc • comment
1 points • Ice_Crackers

I kept a tiny bit under budget so you can pick your own case fans or change the case if you care a lot about aesthetics.
If you need suggestions, I would go with these case fans, and this or this case.

Hope this helps!

r/computers • comment
1 points • aminy23

Cheapest OK build:https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kMBw3t

Quality comparable build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sBN3Rk

It should be easy to find someone locally to build it for $50-$125. You'll get a far better PC with better parts than anything you can buy in stores at anywhere close to that pricepoint.

Second cheapest gaming PC from a cheap manufacturer: https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/system/Gaming-Instant-Ship-GM-99501

5 pack RGB fans if you like the look: https://www.amazon.com/upHere-Wireless-Airflow-Adjustable-Radiators/dp/B07DHM6SW9/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=apevia+rgb+fan+120mm+spectra&qid=1577963201&s=electronics&sr=8-2-fkmr0

r/AskBattlestations • comment
1 points • peto0427

For the rough budget you’re looking at (based on the PC Part Picker list) this is what I would do:

PCPartPicker Part List

Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- CPU | AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (14nm) 3.2 GHz 6-Core Processor | $85.00 Motherboard | MSI B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard | $91.99 @ Best Buy Memory | Team T-FORCE VULCAN Z 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory | $69.99 @ Newegg Storage | ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro 512 GB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive | $78.98 @ Amazon Video Card | Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER 6 GB OC Video Card | $229.99 @ Newegg Case | Phanteks P300 ATX Mid Tower Case | $63.60 @ Amazon Power Supply | EVGA BQ 600 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply | $66.87 @ Newegg | Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $711.42 | Mail-in rebates | -$25.00 | Total | $686.42 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-04-25 07:23 EDT-0400 |

Specs -

CPU: the 1600 AF is the CPU featured in the YouTube video you linked. It’s 6 cores and 12 threads, and only $85 on Amazon. Just to note, PC Part Picker doesn’t list the 12nm “AF” variant of the 1600, only the 14nm “AE” model. However, a quick Amazon search for “Ryzen 5 1600” will bring you to the right place.

CPU cooler: included with the CPU, and quite a capable stock cooler, especially with everything at stock settings (albeit maybe a tad loud).

Motherboard: probably the most popular B450 board ever made, and for good reason. Good VRM and thermal performance, plenty of expandability, and a quality aesthetic all contribute to a great value board that will serve you well.

RAM: 16 GB at 3200 MHz and CL 16 is about the best you can get for Zen+ CPUs, and this kit is the cheapest on PC Part Picker that I could find that hit those specs.

Storage: 512 GB TLC flash NVMe SSD. Excellent drive that’s incredibly quick and reliable. Another user commented that you should go with a 2.5” SSD and an HDD, then upgrade to an NVMe later. While they’re right about that storage configuration giving you more space, and that games are indeed very large, I would go with the NVMe now, and add an HDD later. Storage is insanely easy to upgrade, especially compared to other parts of your PC. What’s not easy to upgrade is your boot drive. You either have to wipe it and start over, or clone the drive, both of which are time-consuming, and the later of which can be not so user-friendly. Get the NVMe now, then in a month or so when you’re out of space, buy a 2 TB HDD for ~$50, plug it in, and you’re off to the races.

GPU: 1660 Super is a monster of a 1080p GPU, especially for the price. This will have you gaming on AAA titles at high/ultra settings with 60+ FPS all day long.

Case: great case for the cost, has good airflow, has a nice aesthetic, and comes with RGB.

Power Supply: 600 watt 80+ Bronze PSU. Decent performing PSU that also has black cables instead of multicolored ones that will negatively impact the overall aesthetic of your system.

Overall, not a bad system for the price at all. If you wanted some visual flair and better airflow, you could also include a set of cheap RGB fans like these for $30.

Anyways, I hope you found this helpful, and let me know if you have any questions!

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Cautionchicken

Lots of comments her but wanted to share my 2 cents.

PCPartPicker Part List

Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- CPU | AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor | $172.39 @ Newegg CPU Cooler | Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black Edition 42 CFM CPU Cooler | $38.99 @ Amazon Motherboard | MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX ATX AM4 Motherboard | $114.99 @ Best Buy Memory | G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory | $77.99 @ Newegg Storage | Crucial P2 500 GB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive | $64.99 @ B&H Video Card | Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB OC Video Card | $299.99 @ Newegg Case | Phanteks Eclipse P300A Mesh ATX Mid Tower Case | $58.98 @ Newegg Power Supply | EVGA B5 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply | $96.98 @ Newegg Monitor | Asus VP249QGR 23.8" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor | $159.00 @ Amazon Keyboard | Corsair K55 + HARPOON RGB Wired Gaming Keyboard With Optical Mouse | $59.99 @ Best Buy Headphones | Kingston HyperX Cloud II 7.1 Channel Headset | $78.99 @ Best Buy | Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1243.28 | Mail-in rebates | -$20.00 | Total | $1223.28 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-05-13 15:55 EDT-0400 |

  • 3600 is a great chip, probably overkill but should last for years.

  • An aftermarket Cpu cooler is not necessary but absolutely nice to have. It's a bit more expensive than usual but I'd do it over included cooler every time.

  • B450 is the best budget option for the 3600 even though you wont be able to throw in a 4000 series, you wont need to, the 3600 is great. @$ 115 the Tomahawk Max is perfect choice and compatable out of the box with 3600.

  • Better speed timings to match 3000 series, no RGB but corair is overpriced.

  • An NVME is not necessary, but the m.2 is a nice form factor. It's easy to add more storage later. If you decide to go Sata SSD make sure to get one with DRAM like this one at $59

  • 2060 is a great pairing, new GPU's will be coming out this year, but there is always somethign around the corner, don't stress about it.

  • The case is very subjective, but I would absolutyely reccomend somethign with front mesh pannel, You can always get an inexpensive set of RGB fans if you really want for about $30 on Amazon if you want to splurge on RGB Bling.

  • Power supply you had is currently out of stock at that price, this one is $10 more and fully modular. It has a good warranty and all black cables. Fully modular is a lot more fun to build with. Power supplies are expensive now, it's lame but they can work for many years/builds.

  • Same pannel specs from ASUS, saves a few $.

  • Keyboard adnd mouse are subjective, but for the price this is a good combo, it can always be easily upgraded later.

  • Great choice for a budget headset from a reputable brand. Should last and easy to replace earpads if they ever wear out.

Congrats on having such a wonderful kid, have fun with the build.