Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

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Info from Amazon Listing
  • Model color has been formulated with permanent pigments for fine arts; all colors are completely lightfast and opaque
  • The consistency of Model color allows for an extremely smooth and uniform paint film, with no trace of brushstrokes
  • The water based formula of Model color has been specifically developed for adherence on difficult surfaces such as metal and plastic

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Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 32 mentions • top 30 shown below

r/necromunda • comment
2 points • JoeySulp

I bought this one a long time ago I wouldn’t waste the money on the whole set unless your missing some of the basic other colors. I use citadel paints for almost everything except Metallics and generally I will only use Silver, Steel, Oily Steel, Gold, and Old Gold. I think they are MUCH better than the citadel metallics. Then I highly recommend their black, white, and neutral grey . They have good coverage and I use them over White Scar, Abbadon Black, and idk Grey (Which I think are the GW equivalents) then I would recommend their Flat Green. It’s a good intermediary between Caliban Green and Moot Green (on the Brighter side of green). Lemon Yellow it is a Pure Yellow. It has week coverage but it helps make any yellow pop. And my favorite colors that are not metallics are their Basalt Grey. It is a cool Blue Grey that is perfect for GW grim dark minis. You can highlight black with something like the Fang and then put this Grey over the top at the extremes to give it a cool touch. I hope this helps

r/Warhammer40k • comment
4 points • sb_747

The army painter is very solid paint and brushes for a good price. Generally Vallejo is a buck more than TAP paints but they have some colors TAP doesn’t.

Just as good as citadel paints for half the price.

If your budget is about $30 you can get this

as a good start but for $40 this is a better set

Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

If you have a local hobby store/game store you can pick up individual colors for about $3 a bottle for TAP and $4 for Vallejo.

P3 is quality and has some nice colors(blighted gold is amazing) but the pots aren’t as great to use.

r/wargames • comment
4 points • kafkakafkakafka

People are going to have opinions, lol. Here's mine: Army painter sucks, vallejo is good, most GW is good, most P3 are good.

As for what colors you should buy, I think I would start with a vallejo model color starter set. There are many, but maybe something like this:

r/Miniaturespainting • comment
1 points • grimvisiongaming

That’s how we all start out, no worries.

Personally I think the best starter paint set is the Vallejo basic Model Color paint set Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

Comes with pretty much all the colors you will need, plus a silver and gold paint.

r/Gunpla • comment
1 points • denzel118

Hi are there specific paints, thinner and primers (and other tools i might have missed out on except the brush) for painting gundam pilot figures? I've heard vallejo is a better paint than tamiya but haven't found exactly which one to buy (or a basic color set) Preferably on amazon but anything is welcome

Don't have an airbrush for priming just yet as well so if having an airbrush makes the needed materials different, I'd appreciate it if let me know as well

Currently looking at this set here for paint:

r/Warhammer • comment
1 points • Gutterman2010

Vallejo Basic USA Colors set is a really good option, as well as some nuln oil from citadel. Gives you a lot of good color options. Some have kind of poor coverage (red and orange especially), but their buff, blue, purple, black, green, and white are all excellent.

r/Warhammer40k • comment
1 points • woundedantelope This is the set u bought. I love used Vallejo when modeling tanks and airplanes when I was younger. Very good paint.

r/killteam • comment
1 points • Nottan_Asian

I recommend Vallejo's paints if you don't want to fork out the money for buying Citadel paints by the pot.

This is the kit I started with and most of the colors have served me pretty well (except that fucking Red); I actually like Vallejo's white more than Citadel's Whites.

Now that I have a good collection of Citadel paints I mostly use Vallejo as a layer paint or to blend with.

I personally am now of the opinion that paint is not something you should skimp out on if you care about how your models look.

If you were asking about guides on getting paints rather than what paints to buy, most miniatures have a fair number of videos, either by WarhammerTV themselves or by other excellent painting Youtubers (like Midwinter Minis) who often show/tell you what Citadel Paints to use or what Citadel paints would get you a similar effect.

r/minipainting • comment
1 points • Larry-loves-you

Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

Use Vallejo. Best paints I’ve ever used. $50 is a lot but it will last you. Remember to prime your models, I use rustolem spray paint + primer.

r/modelmakers • comment
1 points • ZelaraZelara

Hows this?

r/MarvelCrisisProtocol • comment
1 points • jjdw1978

Rule #1, Allways thin your paints. Now as for priming just make sure you get a white primer, these heros and villians are supposed to be brightly colored. If you prime them whith a black or even grey you will likely be disapointed. Next if you have the means, there is a decent set of vallejo on amazon Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml This set will likely be all you need it has your basic roygbiv, silver, gold, black, white, brown and a flesh. The rest is a matter of you deciding how involved you want to get. There are guides and guides and guides on youtube. But if you just want to watch someone paint marvel minis epic duck or sorastro are very good and pretty fun to watch

r/modelmakers • comment
2 points • DarthJigTheThicc

Thank you, and I'm quite surprised myself.

For both of them, I painted the heads separately with a brown+flesh tone then washed a few times with just a brown. Then I went back with the brown mixture and did a little highlighting. I then used flesh to highlight only the very raised detail. Finally, i went back with some very watered down red for the cheeks. When it comes to the clothing, on the commander I based everything in an almost near black (black+tiny bit of white). I then went back with highlights of a very slightly lighter color. This covered most of all the folds and creases. Then I went over it again with another very slightly lighter color than that. Then I painted the undershirt, highlighted it, and used that same color to pick out the buttons and the very tip of the commanders lower jacket. The medals were picked out with a fine paintbrush, the iron cross being based in black, then picked out in white. The shoes I just gave some brown to.

The Loader is a bit more interesting. I first painted the pants, as that would allow me not be painting the strong dark colors over the light shirt. This I did with essentially the same thing as the commanders full outfit. Then I picked out the belt with black like before to give the thing more contrast. I then based the shirt in a tan+brown color, and added a few large splotches of light green color. I then added some more splotches of a darker green, and started to dot with that color. Then I went with just the base tan, and added some large splotches, and then tried to fill in some of the other colors with its dots. I repeated with the previous colors, adding more dots, making sure I only added them on there respective counterparts, so the tan on green, or the green on the tan colors Finally, after all this was on there, I added a black wash (water+teensy bit of black paint) and repeated this three times I think. When it was sufficiently contrasty, i then went back over all the raised detail with a lighter derivative of the original tan+brown color. Even if the color on the jacket was green, I still highlighted it with the brown. finally, I picked out the shoes and all the small bits. The undershirt and hands were painted in grey, and then highlighted.


Some resources : These are all the paints I used, only some went unused

Also I would check out Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, as his tutorials are great. He explains everything very nicely, and although he does a lot of wargaming, the techniques can transfer great to figure painting. Most of the colors he uses can be obtained by either shilling out a bunch of money, or just mixing and matching with some regular acrylics.

r/minipainting • comment
5 points • 3milerider

Reaper and Vallejo Basic / Vallejo Game make reasonably priced kits with a variety of colors. Way easier to blend than Testor enamels (at least from what I remember trying to mix enamels years ago).

For a much broader variety consider Army Painter but if you’re just doing a few for fun that’s a much steeper investment.

r/Gloomhaven • comment
3 points • unique_devil

I'd recommend this set from Reaper and they have another called Layers I believe.

Those will get you making some damn good mints and teach you some good skills.

Then pick up some shade.

And this paint set later on when you feel comfortable in your skills.

With the above resources you'll be able the paint the starters with ease as you'll have 6 minis to learn with and with the two starter sets you'll have some brushes and paints. Then expand your paints the final paint set.ane get the shade when you want to start washes and watch a few videos on that and dry brushing.and you'll be amazed at what you'll produce in a short amount of time.

r/minipainting • comment
1 points • freezeypopcicle

Vallejo, reaper, and army painter are great. Citadel is great too but they don’t come in dropper bottles so I personally prefer the others.

Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

Starter Paint Set by The Army Painter

I recommend the Vallejo one personally, it’s the paint I started out with.

r/KingdomDeath • comment
2 points • MiasmaMelancholy

This gives a pretty good breakdown of everything you should need.

The extent you want to go depends on how much disposable income you have, how far you're willing to go in terms of making your minis look as perfect as possible, etc.

Bare minimum, I'd recommend the following:

  • Some cutters to get the pieces off of the plastic sprues.
  • A craft knife or file to trim mold lines, as well as the plastic bits where they were cut from the sprue.
  • Plastic glue. Any kind should work, though I've been using Tamiya's Plastic Cement and it works wonderfully.

For painting, at least get the following:

  • Some form of primer. Spray can primers are cheaper, but the price will add up over time if you do a lot of painting, and you may occasionally get a bad can. If you can afford it, you can also prime with an airbrush, which is much more efficient (especially if you want to do zenithal priming)
  • A set of brushes. If you're new to painting, just get a few to start off with. I think Army Painter has a decent beginner brush set, but I'd also recommend getting a slightly larger, cheap, synthetic brush to use for mixing your paints.
  • This is probably the best beginner paint set. I've got a decent range of paints from Vallejo, Army Painter, and a few Citadel colors. And I've looked around at some starter sets from other lines. But this Vallejo set is by far the best value. It's relatively cheap and gives you all your standard colors. Once you've gotten the feel for painting, feel free to try whatever paint brands you like.
  • Slightly optional, but I also recommend getting a set of washes from either Citadel or Army Painter. Especially for beginner painters, washes are incredibly useful for shading.
  • Also slightly optional, but I'd recommend getting a wet palette. They're not expensive, I got mine for like $15 from Michael's. They keep your paints usable for much longer than if you were to use a standard dry palette.

If you haven't already, I'd recommend looking at some painting tutorials before getting started. Sorastro did a really great tutorial for Journeys in Middle Earth that covers a lot of basic painting techniques. It's pretty easy to apply the techniques in this video to painting most minis. He's also got a few videos for KDM specifically, but those are much more advanced. Don't feel the need to try to copy something you don't think you can handle.

r/minipainting • comment
1 points • Kikkenass

These are the two sets I started out with. I think they have a great range of colors and are really one of the best values with it comes to price per ml.

Vallejo model color

Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

Vallejo game color

Game Color Intro Set (16)

r/Warhammer40k • comment
1 points • BringBackTFM

Vallejo has a starter set for around 60 bucks which comes with 16 paints. I love their paints a lot.

Game Color Intro Set (16)

I used this set, but it says it’s out of stock for me. It goes for 40 dollars and is really good! I want to say I paid 30 dollars with prime shipping, so it’s probably a reseller so be cautious.

Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

Also I use GW shades because they are hard to beat. I went with nuln oil, agrax earthshade or Reikland Fleshshade and you could also get a green shade I can’t remember which one I got.

r/Gloomhaven • comment
1 points • whoaman23

Vallajo starter set would be a good set to consider,they are high quality and a very good price compared to other model paints. Washes are fantastic, I really like Citadel shades. Check out a few videos on model painting for beginners and don't forget, two thin coats!

r/ender3 • comment
1 points • ScienceReliance

Lmao. i asked on the mini painting sub for advice when i got my plastic ones printed. Amazon has some really good paints I decided on Vallejo as it was a good price for the number of colors you get, it binds to plastic well.

This army painter set comes with a wash but washes are basically black and water

I'm a really crafty girl so i got into making terrain for DnD as i'm the DM but the quality wasn't what i wanted (foam board) so I got WAYYYY too excited when i got my 3d printer... i've printed so much dnd stuff now i destroyed my ender 3's magnetic plate and had t buy a glass one

r/ageofsigmar • comment
1 points • wtg203

I got this Vallejo Basic Color set like three years ago and am still using many of the original bottles (had to re-up on Black and White). I think it runs about $50 in most places. GW paints are good, but the pot containers (instead of squeeze bottles) ultimately mean that you'll end up wasting a ton of paint (they develop a thick crust around the rim, and then wont close). Get this and make yourself a basic wet pallete and you'll be in good shape! (Also, definitely get a wash; either GW Nuln oil (just don't tip it over; paint pots) or people seem to like the army painter ones).

r/wastelandwarfare • comment
1 points • S7evyn

Dunno about for the fallout game specifically. Some comapnies have themed sets for like, WW2 Germans, US, British, etc. kinda things. Fallout can use a pretty wild range of colors, so a general set would probably be best, unless you have a very specific color scheme in mind.

I started out with the Vallejo Basic USA Colors set, and then picked up a Pro Acryl set, along with a grab bag of Citadel paints.

Differences in miniature paints mostly come down to specific details of formulation and pigments used. When you get into more complicated stuff you see things like alcohol based paints (mostly used for metallics), or even people painting with oil paints. I recommend starting with a simple set and learning to blend colours. I spent a stupid amount of time researching my first paint set, so I do strongly recommend the Vallejo one I linked.

Miniac's video is pretty good:

One of the main downsides with mixing paints is getting colors consistent over a large group of models. But, given that wasteland warefare uses more 'hero' models and less 'rank and file' minis, that's less of an issue. Plus everything is beat to hell and repaired, so having the paints be all slightly different adds more than it subtracts.

The army painter mega set is probably overkill for starting (unless you're well off enough that ~$120 is a whatever amount of money); you don't want to commit too much too early, or you'll burn out or feel overwhelmed.

You can also always just try getting cheap craft paints and using those; by the time you figure out what you don't like about them, you'll know what you want from a more expensive paint. Or you'll realize you like them and keep using them. Goobertown Hobbies on youtube is good for that kind of thing; very... Bob Ross.

What paints do you currently have?

r/minipainting • comment
1 points • HellionValentine

The two I'm mainly looking at(because the descriptions or comments actually say what colors are included) are the Basic USA set and the Medieval set. It looks like the Basic USA set has more individual colors, while the Medieval set has less colors but more shades. I know next to nothing about painting; would it be beneficial to have the colors that differ more and blend them to get different shades? Or would that not come out well with these type of paints?

The sets I'm looking at specifically are the Basic USA and Medieval sets, but the Game Color Intro set seems like it would be good as well.

r/MiddleEarthMiniatures • comment
1 points • Ina_minotaur_2

Yeah fair question. Games Workshop are solid but pricey. I also like Vallejo and Scale Color. Not a fan of Army Painter but they work in a pinch. Start with a core box that has the basics and a few metallics. Most of them have a starter kit.

Here’s a Vallejo one:

Even cheaper is the reaper bones set. Super basic but all you need :

And the GW one. Honestly I would t have picked these pains as a starter set but it would work:

All of these come with brushes, clippers, etc.

Amazon also has a build your own box for GW.

r/battletech • comment
2 points • HobofromZozo

Thank you for the kind words.

Sure thing, I primed with Vallejo’s Surface Primer Black through my airbrush and followed up with a zenithal highlight with Liquitex Titanium White acrylic ink. This process helps establish a good undercoat for subtle light to dark transitions. I then grabbed a big brush and went with Vallejo Model Color Khaki all over the armor. After that I painted what I saw as exposed joints/myomer connections in Vallejo Model Color Neutral Grey. Once the paint dried on each model I used Vallejo Model Color Black, which is a very matte black, on some areas of the armor and weapon parts. After that I started the accent colors I wanted with Citadel Mephiston Red and Vallejo Model Color Deep Sky Blue. Just like Shoretroopers, the higher the rank the more blue I applied to the armor. The last accent I applied was to the Battlemaster in Vallejo Model Color White which I thinned down with the Liquitex Titanium White Ink to help the flow and keep it from getting too chunky as white paint has a tendency towards. The last basecoat I applied was Vallejo Model Color Emerald for the cockpit glass on each mech. During this step the zenithal highlight really helped the color have nice subtle transitions because the paint is translucent. I still need to apply a wash to the recesses, weather the paint, and finish basing and detailing everything.

All of that was a lot, here’s the best advice I can give to a newer painter:

  1. If you can afford it, grab a paint set like this. It has plenty of colors and saves you a bit of cash. Vallejo colors are pretty good and come in bottles that can’t spill if you knock them over. If there’s a color you want to use that isn’t in the pack, you can always try to mix it yourself. Just remember to shake them well prior to use.

  2. Grab a palette. It can be a cheap art store hard palette or you can make a wet palette. Here is a video on how to make your own wet palette. A palette helps you control your paint and see the consistency of the paint prior to putting it onto the mini. It helps you learn if something is too thick or too thin by giving you something you can just play around on.

  3. Don’t focus too much on brand. As you can see I use all different types of supplies, from Liquitex, Golden, Citadel, Vallejo, AMMO by Mig, Tamiya, Army Painter, etc. Take things slow, try one thing out at a time. A different paint, a different wash, a new texture. You’ll find your own style and process that you like. I love enamel/oil washes and such as a result of experimentation and wanting to learn more of a scale modeling style. All that came with time. This will help prevent you from getting overwhelmed or feeling like you can’t use certain things like artist supplies, or model railroad terrain materials. Keep your mind open and don’t get sucked into one brand, style, or process being better than others. What matters is the effect or look you want to achieve and how much fun it is for you.

Here are some channels/videos that you might enjoy and help get you started:

Goobertown Hobbies

Vince Venturella

Midwinter Minis

Edit: Sorry I used Citadel Moot Green for the energy weapon lenses.

r/Catan • comment
1 points • katstrike

Okay, I just bought this stuff from watching this video. And just made this post to make it easier for everyone!

Primer Warhammer 40K Citadel Corax White Model Paint

Paints Vallejo Basic USA Colors Paint Set, 17ml

Game Color Intro Set (16)


r/minipainting • comment
1 points • superficiallycurious

Thank you for your reply! I think I'll get the 3 main sets you talked about:

and I can't find the fairy flesh on Prime right now, but I'll keep checking. I appreciate the help.

r/MiddleEarthMiniatures • comment
2 points • Necrobrute_

GW paints can get pretty pricey very quickly and for my money, their quality isn't worth it.

I've been using Reaper MSP HD for years now though they don't sell the HD line anymore but I would very much recommend the standard Reaper line:

Vallejo is also quite good though I have no real experience with them outside of their surface primers: (the shipping price on that is insane so shop around for that set elsewhere if you can)

Finally, Army Painter makes quality product and you can usually find their sets for pretty cheap:


As for the painting itself, I can recommend a few YouTube channels that have some great total novice tutorials:


Dana Howl:


ZorpaZorp in particular covers a lot of MESBG content including painting tutorials and terrain tutorials.

r/Warhammer40k • comment
1 points • P-Souperman

Everything included in this list are tools and products that I use and have had great experiences with.

Do not go all in on paints and brushes, and don't buy a ton of GW paints to start. I recommend Vallejo starter kits, as they give you good paints in large quantities with airtight containers and a healthy variety of colors. Royal and Langnickel are cheap, but paint well and last a long time if you wash and clean them properly.

Paint: Vallejo Basic USA Paint Set and/or Vallejo Game Color Intro Set

Brushes: Royal and Langnickel

Pallet: Cheap, effective pallet

Storage Container: Plano Tackle Box

Glue/Plastic Cement: Tamiya Plastic Cement

Sprue Kit: Basic Sprue and Hobby Kit

Product Recommendations:

Start with a boxed game, or take a look at the Kill Team game mode. Do not try to build an army straight from the get go. Do not buy a ton of models all at once. 9th edition is coming out very soon, so hold off on getting rule books until you've figured out what you enjoy building, painting, and playing.

Blackstone Fortress

- Lots of cool looking, fun to paint minis that can be used for the boxed game, Kill Team, and building an army. Very fun game, and you get a complete traitor regiment kill team roster, so it's a very complete experience.

Rogue Trader

- Again, lots of cool minis, cool terrain and board variants mainly built as a Kill Team variant, fun to build and paint, nice full box of content to build and play with a friend.

Kill Team Starter Set

- Cool minis, Cool terrain, cool board, all units in this box can be used in 40k tabletop includes everything you need to play Kill Team with a friend.

Youtube Channels on how to Paint and Play 40k:

Midwinter Minis

Goobertown Hobbies

Most instructional videos on how to play the game over-complicate things. Running through some small games at your FLGS is a great way to engage with the community and learn the different games on display.

Hope this helps! Good luck and happy hunting!

r/minipainting • comment
1 points • Scjar

Here are some tips and such that I recently told a friend that was thinking about getting started. Its all from personal preference and experience, but should hopefully be helpful.

Starting supplies:

- A good minitaure level paint set. One that is not the cheapest, but a really good quality for the price is Vallejo Model Color like this one

Its one I wish I would have started out with instead of the Army Painter set.

- You will also want a few brushes, like a size 1 and a size 00. Then a flat brush for dry brushing. You can get some cheap hobby store sets for starting out, just make sure they are for acrylics and the size 1 and size 00 are round body with a sharp pointed tip. Your first set of brushes is likely to get ruined, so thats why getting cheap ones first is better. The more "pro" ones are real Kolinsky Sable hair.

- Then just get some cheap plastic pallet or even a paper plate to put paint on.

- Some brush cleaner to cleaner the paint and condition the bristles. This is the most popular one:

This actually has some brush cleaner and some synthetic brushes

- A primer of some kind. There are miniature specific ones, but some Krylon gray, white, or black would be fine as well. Just make sure its coming out clean before spraying the model with it. You will see some people refer to zenithal priming, which is a dark gray/black coat, then either 2 more coats from above or 1 from above using gray then white, or just white. This isn't crucial, just helps see where a highlight would go.


Some tips just from my experience:

- Have a container of clean water to rinse brushes in (might be obvious)

- Don't let your brushes sit in the water container, it will ruin the sharp point

- Try not to get water above the metal piece and onto the wood/plastic handle. This will allow water to run into the ferrule and start warping the bristles.

- Don't let paint get up to the ferrule (or metal part) next to the bristles. This also will cause paint to dry in there and flay out the bristles. I have made this mistake before knowing better.

- Thin the paint some! This one is crucial to perserving the model's details. Its better to do 2 thin coats of paint that one thick globby one. You can thin with a little water, you don't want the break to break, but still cover while looking smooth. Some of the videos will talk about that. The general goal is milk-like consistency.

- Shake the paint really well before using!

- Some optional tips for prepping the model. These are not necessarily required, just help produce a better result:

- Use the back edge of a Xacto knife or something similar to scrape off any mold lines. These are required, but could see it in the final product:

- Wash the model with some dish soap and then rinse it and dry it completely. This just makes sure and mold residue (or mold line scrapings) and oils from your skin don't prevent paint from sticking.


Videos that helped me get started:


Squidmar: (These aren't playlisted so may require some searching)

Vince's Hobby Cheating: (These aren't necessarily starting with beginner tips, but does have some. Its a better guide for finding good ways to do specific things you might want to do, like red hair, fur, leather, etc.)