Player's Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons)

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Info from Amazon Listing

Create heroic characters for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. The Player’s Handbook is the essential reference for every Dungeons & Dragons roleplayer. It contains rules for character creation and advancement, backgrounds and skills, exploration and combat, equipment, spells, and much more. Use this book to create characters from among the most iconic D&D races and classes. Publisher’s Weekly #1 Best Seller in Hardcover Nonfiction Wall Street Journal #1 Best Seller in Hardcover Nonfiction • In Dungeons & Dragons, you and your friends coauthor your own legend. Guided by a Dungeon Master, you create characters and play their roles in a story, rolling dice and navigating maps as you unfold a tale as limitless as your imagination. • The Player’s Handbook is the first of three D&D core rulebooks, along with the Monster Manual and the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The Player’s Handbook is the cornerstone. It’s the foundational text of D&D’s fifth edition—for beginners and for veterans alike. • The Player’s Handbook walks you through how to create a Dungeons & Dragons character—the role you’ll play in the D&D world. • Dungeons & Dragons is the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Created in 1974, D&D transformed gaming culture by blending traditional fantasy with miniatures and wargaming.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 46 mentions • top 35 shown below

r/mildlyinteresting • comment
13 points • casualsax

Find the group first and then learn what they're using. If you can't wait or are just interested in the game itself, I'd get the fifth edition (latest) DnD players handbook. It's the easiest jumping in point and one of the most popular for current play. It's available in a digital format on DnD Beyond, but I'm a purist who loves the hardcover books.

From there if you want to join a group running a different edition or game (like Pathfinder) you'll know the basics.

r/dndnext • comment
4 points • ocelost

Direct link to Amazon USA.

(Sorry about the blog link; I thought that site was Wizards official because people here often link to its Sage Advice archives. Apparently it's just a fan site.)

r/DnD • comment
3 points • CMengel90

This one look like the right one? -

r/SanDiegan • post
15 points • A_guy_named_Vic
Learn to play Dungeons and Dragons! Free 101 Class August 1st @ 1pm!

Hey guys!

If you're like me you are likely staying home fending boredom away.

Well I'm here to share the excellence that is DnD with you all!

You may be familiar with my posts or maybe you skimmed over one. Typically classes are hosted at a local bar or restaurant but with everything going on I've decided to try moving things online in order to still be able to teach people how to play!

How does it work?

Classes will be done over the Zoom app which allows for multiple user video conferencing. Everyone logs into one seminar which is just me talking about Dungeons and Dragons answering questions and explaining the rules and mechanics of the game.

Things you'll need:

Something you write with

Something to write on

A 5th edition character sheet.<---- Printable link

5th Edition Players Handbook. You can find an online PDF version but the book is much more convenient. If you are not ready to buy the book just yet check your local library for a copy.

7-die Set. I recommend the clear gel type.

Finally you will need to download the Zoom App in order to be able to watch the stream.

THEN you click THIS LINK in order to reserve your FREE RSVP to the class and receive the link to the Zoom video stream.

I am aware there are likely easier ways to do this but those is the easiest I've managed to find so far that is easy enough for everyone.

The class is FREE so don't worry about surprise fees or anything like that.

Well, that's it everyone. Get your gear and your RSVP and we'll see you in a few days!

Until then.

Stay Up!

r/DnD • comment
2 points • powerbug80

The Player's Handbook is on sale for $18. Enjoy.

r/DungeonsAndDragons • comment
2 points • chris-goodwin

Amazon has the Player's Handbook for $33.22; if you look under Used & New for third party vendors, you can find it for a little bit cheaper, and a little bit sooner. That's really all you need to get started, if you need physical product.

From there you can look at the SRD and the Basic Rules PDFs for monsters and DMing advice.

r/RPG_deals • comment
1 points • BrittanyCase


r/NoStupidQuestions • comment
1 points • MadMadHaddock

You will need a copy of this book:

It contains all the rules and will teach you the game.

Keep in mind that this is the book for the Fifth Edition. Most players play this, but there are still some diehard 3e players out in the world.

r/dndnext • comment
1 points • j0y0

> $60 ain't insignificant.

On sale for $30 on amazon right now.

If you feel bad that you aren't giving your LGS money, make up the difference by buying $30 worth of stuff from them that they can sell at a much higher markup than a WotC book, like dice, or sodas from their mini-fridge.

r/DungeonsAndDragons • comment
1 points • TheAmethystDragon

DMing in person requires remarkably few materials.

First, on the subject of books. If you cannot afford physical books, then use your PDFs. They're only used as a reference during play, so you don't need them in front of you the entire time. I've found the only book I really like to have at the table is the Player's Handbook, so maybe your players can each chip in a few dollars a couple of times over the first few weeks so you can get one for yourself and them ($30 on amazon, free shipping).

Second, for playing in person you'll want some dice sets or a dice rolling app for everyone's phones. For physical dice sets, you can get cheap ones online (I bought a bag with 5 or 6 sets in it when my son started running a game for his friends).

Now, onto maps. You do not need a digital map, 3D terrain pieces, or even an erasable battlemat. You can get by with a roll of butcher paper or even use the back of a cheap roll of wrapping paper. You only need such a map for giving players and you an idea of where things are in a chaotic fight. You don't even need miniatures, you can use whatever you want for tokens to represent the PCs and all the enemies and allies (I've even recently used a piece of paper with an ugly outline of a creature that I was improvising on the spot).

While D&D can look like an expensive hobby (ok, it is for some people), it certainly doesn't have to be. You can have an in-person game up and running for less than the cost of a few large pizzas. Hell, you can do it nearly for free if people already have smartphones (for dice rolling and pdf/web references).

r/askgaybros • comment
1 points • Chickenjump1

r/RPG_deals • comment
1 points • superpigita


r/worldbuilding • comment
1 points • Mr-Person-Guy

If you wanna learn the game then I suggest getting the players handbook. I also learnt a lot by watching people like NODE or critical role play on YouTube. Fair warning though, they have a bunch of miniatures and models for houses and stuff to create areas for combat. In a lot of games combat is done much more simply with a draw on mat or just in your head.

Edit: here’s the book:

r/DungeonsAndDragons • comment
1 points • T4N5K1

Hey OP! I believe it's on sale on Amazon right now for 28 dollars right now!

r/DnD • comment
1 points • JakeEkiss

The current edition is 5th, so most groups you run into will be playing that. If you are looking you want the 5th edition Player's Handbook.

r/DnD • comment
2 points • Trick_Ganache

Get the Player's Handbook (aka PHB).

Here's my page-referenced character generation sheet.

Now you at least have a player character's foot in the dungeon.

r/DnD • comment
2 points • ginganinja042
r/DnD • comment
2 points • SirUrza

That'll greatly expand what you learn from the beginner's set.

r/DenverBroncos • comment
1 points • strizzle_work

I totally understand. That's a tough situation for anyone to jump into, even if you know the group and much worse if you don't. Fortunately, D&D is hugely popular with newbies right now. Most of the posts on that sub are about "players new to the game" hoping to learn with other newbies. It's worth keeping an eye out, you never know when you'll find someone that wants to give it a try or has a group that's just getting started. Tons of people (like Caboose, here) are just starting to DM and are willing to teach. (The last thing a brand new DM wants is an experienced gamer constantly telling them they've got the rules wrong or breezing through their scenarios just based on their years of experience.) If you ever do get the chance, all you'll need is this book and a set of Broncos-colored dice. Voila!

r/DnD • comment
1 points • Cha0s_s0ldier

So, not trying to be an ass here. Other people covered the Initiative question (Dex Mod). Personally, I strongly recommend reading the D&D Players Handbook prior to playing. Initiative is covered on page 189 in the first chapter on Combat.
I have 2 active groups that I play in where at least 2 players in each have a less-than-ideal grasp on Ability Scores in general, let alone modifiers and other game mechanics. None of them own or have fully read the actual rules, which is what the PHB is.
This does not mean they are unable to play, as in your case I am sure you know plenty about the game and just don't know specific answers like this off the top of your head. But reading and absorbing the material will go a long way to ensure your character is created well and you don't end up making small mistakes in session 0-10, that come back to haunt you in sessions 10-xx. (I know from experience...)

It is only $30 on Amazon, not sure if that is comparable to game stores since Amazon has it on sale.

r/rpg_brasil • comment
1 points • minikeanuReves
r/dndnext • comment
0 points • ranhalt

r/DnD • comment
1 points • Cinemaslap1

Honestly, it's all up to how you want to lay it out. I've played both in person games with mini's and (currently) playing with no maps, no mini's, over discord...

If you wanted to start, I'd check out at least getting the Player's Handbook. it's kinda the first stop in understanding everything. I'd also recommend the Dungeon Master's guide as well, since that will help you actually run the game.

The nice thing about D&D is you can customize as much as you want. As you read about the game and stuff, you'll come across a term called "homebrew" this is basically just "house rules" to make things different than how it's in the book. These can sometimes be just to add in more fun or really any kind of things. The important thing is if you do start to homebrew things, you let your players know so that they can work with you.

But honestly, try starting out with the Player's Handbook to get a jist of race, class, spells, an overall "getting started" book. I found this "box set" for 100 bucks that's got prettmuch everything you need (Players handbook, Dungeon Master Guide, and Monster Manual) plus a few extra stuff.

r/homebrewery • comment
1 points • Jesster_Li

##### Credits


<li>*[The Eight Oaths of Knights Article for Tenants](*</li>

<li>*[Wizards of the Swordcoast, Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook](*</li>


r/homebrewery • comment
1 points • Vexbane_Aramori

what even the hell.

so you're trying to link a link within a link? why is it there like....3 times?


Is this what you're trying to accomplish?

##### Credits

-  [The Eight Oaths of Knights Article for Tenants\](

- [Wizards of the Swordcoast, Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook](

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code if need be.

r/dndmemes • comment
1 points • FblthpLives

It is very cheap. Here is what you need:

  1. Polyhedral dice, something like:

  2. The D&D Player's Handbook: (if you prefer, you can buy a digital version at; there is currently a $5 off deal using the code "BOOKTHANKS")

  3. Paper and writing utensils

That's it. The harder part is finding a group. Check your local game store or ask your friends if anyone plays or wants to play.

P.S. Please don't be like the guy below and use pirated online PDFs.

r/DnD • comment
1 points • oooholywarrior

None of those books have information which is mechanically applicable to 5th edition, and that Monster Manual won't work with the other two books, as they're 4th edition, and the Monster Manual is from 3.5.

These are the covers you should be looking for:
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monster Manual
Player's Handbook

If you're hard up for cash, consider making do with the Basic Rules until you learn the system. It's available for free download from Wizards of the Coast's website.

r/DMAcademy • comment
1 points • Unlikely-Selection

go to r/ (insert nearby city here) and make a post seeing if anyone wants to play dnd, or go to r/lfg and join a noob-friendly group, or go here and learn you can get the PHB on Amazon for $30

Or get any of the books digitally online with D&D Beyond

r/DnD • comment
1 points • the1krutz

As thorough as the Essentials Kit sounds, it's probably more useful to start with the Starter Set. It has a shorter version of the core rules, some pre-made characters, a set of dice, and a surprisingly good starter adventure module (The Lost Mines of Phandelver). That and a few friends is all you need to get started.

If that all goes well and she wants to dig in deeper, that's the time for a copy of the Player's Handbook. This is the full core rules for players, instead of the trimmed down basics from the Starter Set. It has all the options and rules a player might need.

If (and only if) she decides to take charge and become the Dungeon Master of her own group, that's where the Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual become necessary. The DM Guide is exactly what it sounds like, a guide book for the people who need to know more about running the game on top of everything they know about playing it. The Monster Manual is a giant book of monsters.

Hope that helps, good luck!

r/dndnext • comment
0 points • Iustinus

You might need this or that.

r/dndnext • comment
0 points • jayfehr

The compendium, which is just the book contents, the equivalent of what you get with the hardcover, is $20. A significant discount vs the MSRP of $50.

$45 is also the current price Amazon is charging. So how is $20 not a significant discount?

r/DnD • comment
2 points • greyhawk009

Hey Granny! Welcome back to the game, we’re glad you’re here.

DnD is now at edition 5 or 5th Ed, or DnD5. The basic things you will want to have is a players guide and maybe some dice.

The players guide is available 2 ways, the free Basic Rules, which you can download, or if you really get back into it, you can buy the hardback book Players Handbook. I would suggest the free Basic rules.

Another way to get the basic rules is through a website/app called D&D Beyond. Which can help you click your way to getting started.

A good set of dice is always welcome, and Amazon has a ton, but maybe a visit to a local game store might be more fun.

Finally, finding a game... certainly ask at a local game store, but also check out some online offerings like Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds.

Finally, you might also want to look for some podcasts and YouTube channels devoted to the game. Something like Critical Role or something from WoTC.

And don’t forget to come back to this sub and jump right in. Have fun!

r/DnD • comment
1 points • PenguinPwnge

You'll need to find/make a group to play with. If you don't already have a group in mind, either ask people you know, go to /r/lfg, or use (the most popular virtual tabletop website) for their recruitment board.

Next, you can read the free Basic Rules if you're playing the 5th edition rules (the most recent and most popular edition people are playing, also the easiest to get into). If you're going to run a game as the Dungeon Master (DM, the storyteller), I recommend picking up the Starter Set which has a paper copy of the Basic Rules, some pre-generated characters for players if they don't want to make their own, and a pre-written story for you to use which is great for beginner and veteran DMs/players alike.

If you start getting into the game, you can buy the actual Player's Handbook which has more in-depth rules. And if you're the DM, pick up the Monster Manual for more monsters and more info on the ones in the Basic Rules, and the Dungeon Master's Guide for additional resources on customizing your campaigns and having more info on magic items to give to players, etc.

r/DMAcademy • comment
1 points • Mr-McCracken

Okay this is always a rush. D&D is the most fun game you will ever play. Obviously the three most important books are these

  • The Players Handbook: This is important for the DM as well as the player. HOWEVER most of this info is online for free at Roll20 Compendium, and you can get the Basic Rules Here! There is also a bunch of free "Homebrew" classes HERE. These are custom races and classes! Everything is available if you know where to look.
  • As for becoming an amazing DM, while the DMs Guide is a good reference, you can also find yourself saving tons of money for digital alternatives. The best way to learn how to DM is by watching YouTube videos like the ones from Runehammer or Dungeon Craft. You can also find free adventures and tools on The DMs Guild.
  • The Monster Manual is also critical. You can find most of the stats for monsters however on the Roll20 Compendium or just around.

Honestly, its cheaper than you could expect. The most expensive things are miniatures and dice, the rest can be found online.

r/DnD • comment
1 points • vexdhex

Don't need to spend any money at all.

D&D Beyond has a New Players Guide

You can download the free Basic Rules for D&D

There are pre-made character sheets you can use available here.. On the same page you can also download blank character sheets.

There are two free adventures available you can try out.

You will probably want a hard copy of the Players Handbook.. Amazon has is available currently for $27.93

You can use a dice app on your phone instead of purchasing a set of dice. There are many to choose from. The one I prefer to use is d20 Calculator by Lions Den. which is available for both Android and Apple.

You can also join a game online through Roll20. I prefer Fantasy Grounds Unity.

The Players Handbook 5th Edition (the latest version) is on sale right now on Amazon for less than $30.