Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes,Black

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Patio, Lawn & Garden Gardening & Lawn Care Watering Equipment Sprinklers

Info from Amazon Listing
  • HUMANELY REPELS ANIMALS AND PESTS: Keeps animals and pests out of plants, yards and gardens using a harmless spray of water.
  • UNIQUE DAY AND NIGHT DETECTION: The only deterrent sprinkler on the market with options for day only, night only, or 24 hour protection, giving you the flexibility to ensure the Yard Enforcer only activates when you need it
  • STABLE DESIGN: Simply press spike into soil or turf to firmly hold the Yard Enforcer in place.
  • SAVE WATER AND BATTERY LIFE: Includes sensing technology for optimum water and battery conservation; get over 7,500 activation cycles on just 4 AA alkaline batteries and as little as 2 cups of water per activation.
  • INTELLIGENT SENSING TECHNOLOGY: Sensing technology learns the difference between trees and animals, so your water will not activate every time the wind blows.

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Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 50 mentions • top 33 shown below

r/lawncare • comment
9 points • WorldClassAwesome

Used one of these this past summer to train the neighbors cat to move along.

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC

r/Wellington • comment
5 points • rainburger

You could try a motion activated sprinkler. I have used an Orbit Yard Enforcer in the past to ward off pooping dogs and JW's. It worked great.


r/philadelphia • comment
5 points • SimplyThatGuyS

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_czWmFb7PTE3NA

Hose’m down

r/CatAdvice • comment
4 points • PunkAssBabyKitty

If you know where the man lives, reach out to a local rescue or feral cat group to see if the cats near him are spayed and neutered,. They can help do so if needed.

I can tell you from experience, that people like this will shoot, poison or trap the cats and have them euthanized. If you see him again suggest these:

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_4aDqEbH3TT9YW

They work very well but will break in freezing weather.

r/gardening • comment
3 points • mds5118

If you have a water line nearby and don't mind occasionally dodging a stream of water this product can help keep deer away.


r/islam • comment
3 points • demha713

A small tree can be fenced off with chicken wire to keep rodents out. Please try alternate methods. You May also try to use motion sensing water sprinkles to keep out animals. https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-62100-Activated-Sprinkler-Detection/dp/B009F1R0GC

r/landscaping • comment
3 points • ItsUrMove

Motion sensor sprinkler


r/WinStupidPrizes • comment
2 points • Ac1dfreak

/u/thatdonutdude someone linked theirs elsewhere in the thread.

r/lawncare • comment
2 points • cmon_now

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_J0vcEbTS64EX4

r/FortCollins • comment
2 points • ahobbes

Motion activated sprinkler! Might work.

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Tz-ZEbDJXK91P

r/WinStupidPrizes • comment
2 points • mashedcat

This. To keep neighborhood cats from doing their business in my backyard.

It’s a cool gadget, super effective.

Someone below asked about pressure- I’d describe it as a typical sprinkler but that’s turned on by movement (including old guys waving rags in front of it).

This is the one we have: https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-62100-Motion-Activated-Sprinkler-Detection/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=ppx_yo_mob_b_inactive_ship_o0_img

*and yes, $70 is $70, but it’s a helluva lot less concerning than my dog eating feral cat shit and catching something nasty

r/Dogfree • comment
1 points • BarkingHate

I have a situation right now where dogs are interested in my side yard and a corner garden spot I have. They routinely walk over the flowers to get to my yard. The other day, I had a video of some yellow cow rolling and writhing around on my lawn for over two minutes while its dumbass owner just looked on. MY. FUCKING. YARD. Not hers. I am starting to run out of patience. I've tried just about everything I can think of to put a stop to it. If i could catch the asshole in action, I'd go out and put a stop to it. Unfortunately my cameras notify me after they're gone and the image isn't good enough to see faces. I even put a "Keep your furfuck off my yard" type of sign. They just ignore it. I hate this neighborhood.

And of course now that the yellow cow has shed its funk all over my grass, every other dog has to come and piss on it. I think my next step is this:


See how the dumbasses like getting blasted with water. I am also looking at some garden fencing that I can put up to try and keep them off. They HOA might bitch about that, but I can say that it is temporary fencing to protect my plants from the four legged asshole menace that appears to be taking over.

r/progun • comment
1 points • vegetarianrobots
r/phoenix • comment
1 points • CuriousOptimistic

I've had a friend with success using a motion sensitive sprinkler. It's more for the yard than a patio, but might help discourage them.

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_AqLoEb6BE68RK

r/AnimalsOnReddit • comment
1 points • PresentzAdvance

add a couple of these to close perimeter and the animals will stay away https://www.amazon.com/Orbit-62100-Activated-Sprinkler-Detection/dp/B009F1R0GC

r/Atlanta • comment
1 points • canigetaborkbork

Hey u/notp: Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RELwEbRM8K81B

For your yard pooper.

r/askTO • comment
1 points • Kiwilover133

Something a little more heavy duty like this would do the trick. Not cheap, but worth not having to deal with crazy neighbours.


r/homeautomation • comment
1 points • kmkmrod

You want this

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes


r/Sacramento • comment
1 points • NaturallyNasty

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_1IxDEbWAQBMRJ

If you start a gofundme for $70 and promise to upload videos I'll donate

r/Advice • comment
1 points • karenvideoeditor

Google gave me these results:

  • Remove any food from the yard. Cats are likely attracted to any type of feed in your yard. Avoid feeding any pets outside and make sure any trash with food scraps is properly covered and sealed. Wash any grills to remove the odor of food.
  • Create a rough area in your garden. Cats enjoy soft surfaces. Making your garden more prickly could stop them from visiting. Your garden bed could have twigs, pebbles, or chicken wire.
  • Block off any shelter. Cats like to find shelter where they can raise their young. Board up any openings in your sheds or garage. You should also cover any opening to any decks or patios.
  • Wash down their favorite spots. Cats like to spray to mark their territory. Hosing down the area where they like to congregate will eliminate their odor.
  • Set up a security system to scare them. There are lights, sprinklers, and sirens available that are motion-activated. These are very effective at scaring cats away. I have personally used Orbit sprinklers to get effective results.

r/CoronavirusUS • comment
1 points • scott_fx

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0mANEbDHAHD0N

r/homeowners • comment
1 points • DirectIntern
r/homedefense • comment
1 points • Flag_Route

I use


For cats peeing on my car and pooping in my garden. But I would also add a floodlight and make a camera that's super visible pointed at the sprinkler(so the drunkard can see they're being recorded) snce an angry drunk might steal the sprinkler (thank god cats dont have opposable thumbs).

r/homeowners • comment
1 points • ailee43

I do know that those devices are scams.

IF you want a device that works, get a motion activated sprayer


r/homedefense • comment
1 points • I_Need_A_Fork

In the warmer months I keep one of these by the bushes at each corner of my house (by the spigots) mainly as a deer deterrent to keep em away from my flower beds but they'd work for someone casing my place too.

r/trashy • comment
1 points • Wighty-

Not mad just wanted to see a good before/after shot but it was just a complaint, gotta get that satisfaction on, plus OP will feel accomplished every time they look at it, it’s a gift that keeps giving

Sry about your are thou, though about something like this

Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler with Day & Night Detection Modes,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_wLvOFbHYY7V45

r/UnethicalLifeProTips • comment
1 points • saraphilipp

Get a motion detection sprinker, preload the hose with safety yellow latex paint and hook it up to the hose spigot and enjoy. Set it from 11pm to 5am. Or, you could load it with fox piss, liquid ass or any other foul smelling liquid. The yard enforcer.

r/homeowners • comment
1 points • gomegazeke
r/AmItheAsshole • comment
1 points • CoderJoe1

Motion activated lawn sprinklers.

Here's one that covers 3,840 square feet called the "Yard Enforcer"


r/AmItheAsshole • comment
1 points • maceinjar
r/boston • comment
1 points • DearChaseUtley

Having grown up in PA where deer are like 200lbs rats, I highly recommend this entertaining solution for deer control:


r/HomeImprovement • comment
1 points • JerseyWiseguy

A fence that prevents people from casually looking through it can deter thieves from casually "window shopping."

Motion-activated floodlights can help a lot.

Security cameras don't necessarily prevent the problems--but they can help identify the bad guys.

Fake security-system signs in visible areas--or even "Beware of Dog" signs.

You can also get one of these, just to annoy the crap out of them:
