Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (The MIT Press)

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The latest edition of the essential text and professional reference, with substantial new material on such topics as vEB trees, multithreaded algorithms, dynamic programming, and edge-based flow. Some books on algorithms are rigorous but incomplete; others cover masses of material but lack rigor. Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness. The book covers a broad range of algorithms in depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers. Each chapter is relatively self-contained and can be used as a unit of study. The algorithms are described in English and in a pseudocode designed to be readable by anyone who has done a little programming. The explanations have been kept elementary without sacrificing depth of coverage or mathematical rigor. The first edition became a widely used text in universities worldwide as well as the standard reference for professionals. The second edition featured new chapters on the role of algorithms, probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithms, and linear programming. The third edition has been revised and updated throughout. It includes two completely new chapters, on van Emde Boas trees and multithreaded algorithms, substantial additions to the chapter on recurrence (now called “Divide-and-Conquer”), and an appendix on matrices. It features improved treatment of dynamic programming and greedy algorithms and a new notion of edge-based flow in the material on flow networks. Many exercises and problems have been added for this edition. The international paperback edition is no longer available; the hardcover is available worldwide.

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Thomas H. Cormen

Reddit Posts and Comments

0 posts • 63 mentions • top 50 shown below

r/cscareerquestions • comment
3 points • fnoyanisi

There you go

r/golang • comment
2 points • siritinga

I took two courses in couriers from Tim Roughgarden (I think the videos are also available on YouTube), in Go. I learnt a lot of algorithms and Go. He follows approximately this book, which I bought and is great (and language-agnostic) known as CRLS.

r/NJTech • comment
5 points • meattbone

Adding on - those sites are great to learn the concepts. If you like books:

Cracking the Coding Interview


Also for practice problems, and

r/learnpython • comment
2 points • lnakhul

Start by reading Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Carmen

r/algorithms • comment
2 points • RecreationalMulticul

Introduction to Algorithms -

r/learnprogramming • comment
2 points • jhartikainen

If you want to learn algorithms, find a course or book on algorithms. For example, Introduction to algorithms. General purpose programming courses won't go into this because most of the time you don't need to know it on such level of detail.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • neuronet

CLRS refers to the authors last name initials

r/AskProgramming • comment
1 points • A_Philosophical_Cat

You need to read some collegiate level algorithms and data structures texts. The standard is Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS.

Another good one is Donald Knuth's Art of Computer Programming.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • MavUpCity

The bible of algorithms. You can buy an international edition for like $10

r/OSUOnlineCS • comment
1 points • piano2020

Is the CLRS this textbook? That is what google sends me to

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • glitterandcolors

This is the textbook used in algorithms courses.

r/cscareerquestions • comment

> Show me where in your teamtreehouse tech degree you learned how to implement a custom AVL Tree and use it to optimize a large data set. Here you go. They let me have a copy of this book without a degree (well honestly I find Sedgewick more approachable but he presents red-black trees and I don't recall if he goes into AVL trees at all)

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • prinse4515

Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (The MIT Press)

Has both algorithms and data structures

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • chaotic_thought

The standard intro book on this subject is CLRS. It is called Introduction but there is a lot covered. Also, they try to make the code generic by defining their own pseudocode notation (not programming-language specific).

r/wallstreetbets • comment
1 points • rah_karo3
r/MLQuestions • comment
1 points • M_Batman

Introduction to algorithms - TH Cormen.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • satanic-surfer

This one is really great

r/tuesday • comment
1 points • purefabulousity

Ill give it a look! I’ve mainly been using a few books like the CLRS intro and sites like geeks for geeks to improve my understanding

r/QuantumComputing • comment
1 points • theodysseytheodicy

For classical complexity, any decent algorithms book should work. I've used this one.

r/swift • comment
1 points • matteoman

I recommend this book, which I used in my CS degree to prepare for the Algorithms and Data Structures exam.

It covers algorithms in pseudocode, so it's IMO easier to understand and language independent. It also covers spatial and time complexity, and Big O notation.

r/computerscience • comment
1 points • __fred_

Introduction to Algorithms is an absolute must read. Pick a programming language you don’t know (I recommend C++ for industry) and go chapter by chapter implementing the algorithms.

This book is both introductory and advanced. It pretty much as everything in it. Its probably at least 3 semesters worth of content if it were used for a class.

r/UWMadison • comment
1 points • williamimm

Enrollment website says it's Introduction to Algorithms from MIT Press

Course Search and Enroll usually updates with needed textbooks, this is where I got the information

r/datascience • comment
1 points • legalalyen

Would you recommend Introduction to Algorithms for an undergraduate aiming to get a data science role? How useful is it for job interviews?

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • Initial-Shop

This test seems bullshit lol. I got 60-80 percentile but I've studied and TAed this stuff in college and I've had a FAANG job for a few years. Don't take it too personally. The OS book does look like a great read though. If you want something simpler to understand systems at the user level instead of the kernel level, you can look at a book called "Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective". The intermediate systems classes at a lot of schools is based on this. Definitely do the shell and malloc labs in there (you will implement your own basic shell and your own malloc). CLRS is the bible for algorithms

If your systems and algorithms are solid, forget about whatever buzzword testing triplebyte does, you will be more capable than most junior engineers

r/cpp_questions • comment
1 points • upper_bound

Heh, good question. I personally got a BA in computer engineering which covered a lot of it. Relevant classes would be,

Intro to networking Intro to computer architecture Operating systems Algorithms I & II Linear Algebra Micro controllers

It may be worth considering taking or auditing any of the above, even if you don't plan to pursue a full degree. Operating systems, and algorithms being the "big" ones.

As far as hands-on, DIY, some of these would help round out your knowledge base: - Programming a microcontroller in C (Arduino, PIC, or something basic like an 8051). Even simple things like driving an LED to blink at certain pattern, driving a speaker to play certain frequencies, etc - Playing around with web sockets (make a networked poker or tic tack you game, chat program, file transfer, etc.)

And some of them just require some googling and reading (ie: move semantics), while others just come naturally from first hand experience (is: const correctness).

I can't stress enough you need to master algorithms. If not a formal course (or two) I'd highly recommend at least working through large parts of this book (which is basically what any good college course will be doing anyways). Besides learning algorithms, you can practice c++ by implementing the algorithms covered in the book (although don't necessarily need to do every single one)

r/programiranje • comment
1 points • bulja69

CLRS za algoritme, Biblija algoritama. Evo linka do knjige

r/AskComputerScience • comment
1 points • costin_77

Exacly. We called it CLR in uni to be fair to all the three authors. Here is the link:

There's also a series of books by Donald E Knuth called The art of computer programming but it's really hardcore.

r/greece • comment
1 points • Sedbict

Χαχαχα καλή τύχη στη δουλειά! Πέρα από την πλάκα όμως, λίγο τσουχτερή τιμή για ελληνικό βιβλίο. Μπορεί να είναι 900+ σελίδες αλλά εδώ βρίσκεις φθηνότερο Cormen

r/datastructures • comment
1 points • AuthenticWolf

Well, data structures are important as much as algorithms. Sometimes simply changing the structure you are using for some problems can get you a complexity of O(n) rather than previously O(n*logn) or even O(n^2).

For example, if you have, say, a problem where you constantly add people to the structure but you want to add them sorted by their, let's say, birthday.

If you are using a simple array it would be something like this: [1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004, 2010]

And you want to add a person born in 1994. So now you first have to go through an array to find which place they should get. In this case it should be where 1995 is now. That's a O(n), BUT since you don't want to lose a 1995 dude, you have to shift it one place to the right. Now 1995 will get 1996's place and then that dude needs to shift one place to the right and process would continue to the end of an array. So that' also O(n) which means that you would have a complexity of O(n^2) to do this task. Which is too bad, unallowable in some problems.

However, if you are using a linked list, ans you have the same array


If you'd want to add a 1994 dude in place it'd get you an amazing O(n). How? You may ask

Since you cannot randomly go through a linked list, only linearly, you would start from the head(first element) and iterate one by one untill you find a first younger dude, than our 1994 example, as a next element. Then you simply say: new_element->next = current->next //which is 1995 guy. Current is 1993 and his next is 1995 //new_element being 1994 which we are adding to the list And current->next = new_element

And voila. You just changed pointers and didn't have to shift everything to the right .

However if you have a problem where you would want to have, say, a guy that is in the middle array, you would have a O(n) again in linked lists, however in a simple array it'd take you only a O(1). You would simply say array[length(array) / 2 ]

So it really depends on what do you want to achieve and therefore data structures play a very important role.

I gave you the most simple example of a problem. Now imagine what difference would make to have a binary or B tree. Or Hash maps for some problems.

An AMAZING book would be:

If you finish this book with fully understanding every little thing in it, you'd be a God of data structures and algorithms. :)

r/math • comment
1 points • allhailcapybara

Combinatorial optimization is generally most actively studied in CS departments, so I would recommend starting your search in some introductory algorithms textbooks.

This is the text I used back in undergrad. It tends to be fairly popular.

r/datascience • comment
1 points • AmbiguousDoc

Introduction to Algorithms by CLSR is considered one of best books on data structures and algorithms

r/computerscience • comment
2 points • bipolarbear1797

Make sure you cover the basics first as well, allow me to recommend this algorithms textbook, (Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen and others) (I know it's a staple)

r/OMSCS • comment
3 points • world_is_a_throwAway

Hey. You’ve already got the clout. Save the money and pick up and work these books.

Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (The MIT Press)

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions

And maybe something on discrete mathematical structures if you don’t already have that.

Whatever you do, don’t get a fucking IT degree if you truly want to work in computer science. Pardon my French notation.

r/serbia • comment
1 points • ComprehensiveReply5

Ceo net kaze, ako imas dobru podlogu iz mate - CLRS MIT, knjiga po kojoj rade na MIT, bas je math-heavy i mislim da je sve u pseudokodu.

Ako ti mata ide onako i znas osnove Jave, Algorithms Sedgewick, knjiga po kojoj rade na Princeton univerzitetu. Na courseri imas besplatne kurseve Alogithms 1 i Algorithms 2 koji prate gradivo ove knjige, radi se u Javi ali nista toliko java-specificno.

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • SysVr2

The correct answer is study+practice+patience.

  1. Get some good references* (not leetcode, or whatever), turn off the computer, and study algorithms on paper.
  2. Once you think you have a solid understanding of how the algorithm works, then practice implementing it in code.
  3. Keep doing that forever. Be patient. Accept that it will take years of consistent practice.


r/engineering • comment
1 points • Rimio

As a side note, there's an influx of meta-engineering posts lately.

What I'm about to say may not be the absolute truth for a successful career as you may see it, but some things I've learned the hard way coming from a similar background.

Numero uno, don't push yourself to be better than others. Push yourself to be better than yourself. I know it sounds corny, but it's very easy to surround yourself with people of lesser skill without even noticing.

Numero due, and this is applicable to software. Don't just learn "technologies" (i.e. frameworks, libraries, languages), that does not make you an engineer, it makes you a coder. Coders are a dime a dozen, expendable and easily replaceable. To make it simpler, people shouldn't be paying you for this, but for this.

Numero tres, math is king. Getting a CS degree involves less math than it should. Many interesting projects will involve analysis of natural phenomena (either directly or indirectly); while nobody expects you to know the fine details of physics, electronics, control theory etc, your inability to efficiently research the problem will be crippling.

r/matheducation • comment
1 points • RealPrismCat

I really liked Anton's for Calculus Appears to be the latest edition though it might not be well suited for self study as it's quite rigorous. For me, it's like Introduction to Algorithms (MIT press) in terms of coverage and rigor. I wouldn't hand over IoA to a self study student unless they were a tank in math and proof analysis but with the right support it's a reference book that will carry you far past school in CS.

I'm in CS and you don't really need much of diff eq's but I liked it all the same because it really clarified why calculus makes sense. (YMMV) Calc III with translations and rotations is very nice to have if you are doing anything that needs something other than cartesian coordinates (as the prior poster said 3D or physics).

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • sayubuntu

Haha welcome to textbooks! There are definitely cheaper options, but this is the book I used to teach data structures / Algs with python. For a textbook this is the best I found for an intro to these concepts with examples in python.

For the most complete book it’s hands down this one but it’s a pretty intimidating text for students that does not gloss over the underlying math for things like algorithmic time complexity. The examples are in pseudo code.

There is not really a good cheap option for this topic in my experience. You either sacrifice clarity or completeness. Klienberg’s Algorithm Design book is another option that’s a bit less intense then the MIT book while not sacrificing much. If your okay with just wanting to get your feat wet I’ve heard good things about this book but it’s a complete text for a data structures / algorithms course.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • nerd4code

> I was told to have a solid foundation for that before getting into anything else.

Not sure what “anything else” is, but as long as you don’t completely fuck up the beginner’s stuff, you’re fine adding in formal data structures etc. whenever. You’ll be hard pressed not to implement some of that stuff on your own, and then you’ll have more of a feel for more complex or formal stuff. Having actual programming experience will motivate your learning.

Wrt online courses, for the mathier stuff it’s quite valuable to have an actual human being teaching as you scribble assiduously, and whom you can nag during office hours or whatever the post-plague setup will be. For the rest of it, you’d probably be fine wand’ring Wikipedia, but there are reasonably good college textbooks (AFAIK this and this are often used; stick to C-based or language-agnostic books so you don’t have to deal with OOPology) to give you a more formal intro. Some textbooks are outrageously expensive for a physical copy and once read you’re unlikely to reference them more than once per decade. For most stuff, there’s also the filetype:pdf Google search or torrenting is a cheaper approach.

However, unless you’re headed for academia, you’re unlikely to need the more formal stuff ever. Mayybe you could whip it out at an interview. You’ll eyeball for big-Os. You’ll never use any of the other transforms Θ Ω o θ ω outside scratch or published paper. You’ll need maybe ten kinds of O expression, and those have basic ordering rules that are reasonably clear if you understand logs and pows. Unless you have more specific requirements (→Wikipedia), you’ll work primarily with pointers/links, arrays, hashing; via those, lists, trees, and maps. Implementations of things are all over Wikipedia, and those pages (or the source publication) will tell you exactly what the costs are and why. You’ll need to be able to compare costs formally for spitballing; everything else will usually be easier to deal with via graphs, and those are infinitely more useful for consumption in presentations, meetings, or hallway embolisms.

If you’re headed/aiming for a college degree, you’ll (=should) be taught most of the above in a (usually 200- or 300-level) class. You’ll(/ oughta) already be familiar with basic data structures by then, and there’s basically no need to get out ahead of the rest. If you do a course, prereqs are logs & pows, proof by induction, and familiarity with (plotted) graphs. I recommend some calc beforehand, since understanding of limits, derivatives, integrals, and series will be useful.

r/WhitePeopleTwitter • comment
2 points • asthasr

At large colleges, many "professors" are adjuncts, e.g. part time workers with no power, who can't even select what book they use for the courses they teach. For example, there are dozens of classic texts of computer science that can be used to teach programming, even ignoring free online resources (of which there are many).

Department and institutional administrators, however, often have sweetheart contracts with a particular publisher, or a "supervising professor" may get kickbacks for selecting a textbook that costs $160 and requires an online code (only $20 more, or $50 if you buy a used book!).

r/askmath • comment
1 points • 4GIALrDGG8HakdcaUw7L

I am fond of Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, although there is one for-else loop in the book which is kind of gross (just joking).

If you want something that goes into more theory, I would recommend the classic CLSR Introduction to Algorithms.

Edit: the first suggestion was under the assumption that your data science course will use Python. It's a decent recommendation even if you use a different language, but if you'd like I can try and find a recommendation based on whatever language your course is using.

r/java • comment
1 points • Log2

For a BFS you can look into pretty much any algorithms book. Personally, I'd recommend taking a look at this book, which is free. If you want a more mathematical approach, then you could take a look at Introduction to Algorithms, which is one of the most famous books on algorithms there is.

r/Turkey • comment
1 points • Quexth

Donanım olarak temelini öğrenmek istiyorsan bu kitabı okuyabilirsin.

Matematik olarak temelini öğrenmek istiyorsan bu kitabı okuyabilirsin.

Fazla soyut kaçtı dersen algoritmalar hakkında bu kitap var.

İngilizce bilmiyorsan her şeyi bırak ve bir an önce İngilizce öğren.

İkinci kitabın draft olmayan versiyonu da vardır bir yerlerde. İlk kitabı da açık denizlerde bulmak mümkün, libgen'den (bilmiyorsan arat) ISBN ile aratırsan çoğu kitabı kolayca bulabilirsin.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • solid7

Don't put an enormous amount of value in internships. Sure, they are helpful, but by no means a necessity. I never did an internship and it didn't really adversely affect me.

Probably the most important things you'll be hit with initially are:

  • Algorithmic complexity (I'm willing to bet you are familiar with this, perhaps by a different name).
  • Common datastructures and algorithms, and their performance.

Get yourself one of the common algorithms/datastructures texts and just read through it. Your math background should make it a pretty easy read. Familiarize yourself with the common datastructures, how/why they are used, and how to analyze their performance - as a maths major, this should come naturally to you.

Introduction to algorithms. This is the defacto standard algorithms text. If you hear anyone mention "CLRS", this is what they are talking about.

Sedgewick's algorithms book. Another great algorithms book, less mathey, more practical.

Skiena's algorithm design book. Yet another great algo. reference that I find great for casual reading.

Edit: as a joke I sometimes say that CLRS is an undergraduate CS degree in a book. I'm not sure how far off that statement actually is...

r/learnpython • comment
1 points • noahpoah

I'm about 2/3 of the way through this, and I strongly recommend it as an incredibly informative and interesting resource for understanding algorithms, but it's hard to recommend unequivocally, given its length. Most people probably don't have the time to read well over 1000 pages on this topic.

I was looking for this book, which I have heard is good, and I stumbled on this, which may or may not be good, but seems to be free, which is nice.

r/compsci • comment
1 points • Jerome_Eugene_Morrow

I learned on the Newman book. If you're looking for more of a compendium of algorithms, I'd second others with CLRS and Sedgewick/Wayne.

r/learnprogramming • comment
1 points • slowfly1st

You are working on real products that are used by real people. You are a real programmer, don't worry too much. I prefer someone who has experience in shipping products and writes beautiful code, than acing hacker rank problems and naming all his variables with single characters :P

But at the same time, products are based on data structures and algorithms. I don't expect you to know that the insertion complexity of a treemap is O(nlogn) or whatever the f it was, but that you have the ability to chose the data structure that solves your problem best.


freeCodeCamp released a video few days ago, you might want to check it out.

Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems & Coding Challenges


I do have this book which I "like":, as reference book... (Well, I don't actually like it, doesn't really remind me of great times haha). You probably have already seen it somewhere in your office :P


And if you struggle with some of the hacker rank problems: Just ask. You know, people that have job interviews sometimes study for weeks (which is sad, personal note)... it's not like people like me that learned data structures and algorithms 15 years ago can remember everything...

r/algorithms • comment
1 points • adiletzx

I would suggest these: - - has a good chapter on time complexity - Time complexity chapter in Cormen, if you want to go deep.

r/cscareerquestions • comment
1 points • Repulsive-Divide

He's not wrong.

I found a guide to becoming a web developer in 2020, and it looks pretty spot on for what you'd need to learn.

If you do FreeCodeCamp, finish FreeCodeCamp, including the projects, and then start at the beginning of the guide in this link, skip nothing, do every single course in order, read every book recommended and do the exercises at the end of each chapter, you'll have reached the end of the beginning, and you may be able to get a job afterward. It'll be very difficult without a degree, but people have done it. Do not skip anything.

This is toward the end of that guide, but ESPECIALLY do not skip this book:

This is the book we had back in school, and it's still one of the best books out there for learning these concepts.

This is an absurdly difficult career to break into as opposed to a trade or phlebotomy or something along those lines, the reason developers make bank is because the work is crazy complicated.

r/algorithms • comment
1 points • nishantc1527

A common misconception is knowing Algorithms requires extensive knowledge of a programming language. In fact, you don't even need to know a programming language (it would be harder, but algorithms were invented before computers). However, I would say your choice. If you want to focus on Java right now, sure. If you want to learn more about algorithms, sure. If you want to go the algorithms route, the best book I can recommend is Algorithms 3rd edition, aka CLRS.

Also, it has a HUGE deal right now, so if you want it, now is the best time.

As a little shameless plugin, I have all the algorithm implementations in a github repository.