havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue
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Electronics Computers & Accessories Laptop Accessories Cooling Pads & External Fans
- [Ultra-portable]: slim, portable, and light weight allowing you to protect your investment wherever you go
- [Ergonomic comfort]: doubles as an ergonomic stand with two adjustable Height settings
- [Optimized for laptop carrying]: the high-quality multi-directional metal mesh provides your laptop with a wear-resisting and stable laptop carrying surface.
- [Ultra-quiet fans]: three ultra-quiet fans create a noise-free environment for you
- [Extra USB ports]: extra USB port and Power switch design. Built-in dual-USB hub allows for connecting more USB devices.Warm tips: The packaged Cable is USB to USB connection. Type C Connection devices need to prepare an Type C to USB adapter.
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0 posts • 66 mentions • top 50 shown below
2 points • my45acp1911
I think so. People build monster machines just to play minecraft. I've played on a couple iMacs over the past 5 years, my last apple laptop was my old mid 2007 MBP. However, when I have played the java version on my windows laptops the fans kick on full blast and the laptops get toasty -like they do with many other games. When I play most games on a laptop I use a coolpad.
2 points • JohnSlaughterJr
You’ll be able to do some rendering, just be aware that excessive heat over long periods of time aren’t good for any computer. If you do render on the tablet, make sure it’s well ventilated (and maybe grab a USB laptop cooler from Amazon to cool the tablet while you render?)
I have a Mac and same issue, it overheats if I render for more than a few minutes.
(This is the cooler I bought: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/
2 points • legos45
Performance from one cooling pad to another is going to be very minimal. So, I'd simply go with the cheapest one that has good reviews. This one seems to be decent.
2 points • PsghettiToes
I'm using this one and it works great - laptop cooler
2 points • Yttocs2018
Get a fan base like this:
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_Qn4GFbEMCWEN4
I use one anytime I play N64 or ps1.
1 points • C9Enkeesquishy
Thanks bro! Im using a laptop cooling pad, I couldn't really find the exact same thing but here is a similar one: https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS
1 points • leiferickson09
The one I bought was awesomely quiet and actually helped. Additionally, make sure the power settings you’re using don’t throttle the laptop. Sometimes I’d accidentally unplug the thing and it‘d slow down.
Here is the same pad I bought - Havit cooling pad
I see a newer model that can adjust speeds so maybe give that one a try? Let me know how it goes
1 points • Toxin715
Have been using a cooling pad for about a week now. Lowers temps about 5 to 10.
1 points • bluizzo
I got this one from Amazon. Nothing fancy but does a decent job on keeping the laptop cool. Haven't pushed my GL65 to the max with anything but for the games that I play(FH3, Avengers, and GTAV) it's been good https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
1 points • Dr_Sotirios
as others mentioned
Havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
1 points • ailerux
I have no idea if they work. I have a Lemp10 and it gets hot when I’m compiling code or watching videos but was gonna try some of the various options.
1 points • What_A_Smurf
Great, pretty pricey but its really good. Have you looked into cooling pads for your laptop to keep it cooler? Laptops tend to get real hot quickly but this should help lower its temperatures.
1 points • akd7791
Thanks! I love it! You just plug it into your USB in the computer. It changes colors and it's really quiet.
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_6aUSEbFX47E38
1 points • Fi3035
I recommend this one for a 17" laptop. I tried the Cooler Master with a single large fan and found that it was only delivering air to the center of the laptop. The cooling pads with fans that go further to the left and right sides seem to work better for a 17" laptop.
1 points • ArmoredDick
FYI, they make laptop coolers for like $30 that will be way better than a pillow for you. They have fans in them and plug-in to usb on the laptop for power. They make a huge difference for the heat.
No idea if this brand is good, but just an example of what I’m talking about:
1 points • ConorMc1190
I have this one.
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_r4kkFb5DT1Q93
I don’t do any gaming but the software I use for work is very intensive and it keeps my laptop relatively cool all day. Sometimes it’ll be a little warm but that’s it. It doesn’t even get hot when I’m using it. Plus it acts as a laptop stand too.
1 points • xoxcookieninja
havit HV-F2056
Got to say that there’s a 1- 1 1/2 inch border when the laptop is on top of it since it’s for a 15”. Gets the job done well though!
1 points • ExCap2
I bought one for about $630. Mine has a 15" screen however. The one you'd be buying has a better screen, I think mine is 250 nits but it's pretty bright even while gaming.
Right now I'm playing FFXIV on 1280x720p, max settings and get around 30 fps for the most part. I also played World of Warcraft and was able to get about 30 fps on Quality 8 at 1920x1080p.
I would get a laptop cooler off of amazon too. You don't want to be thermal limited if you're gaming.
I bought something like this: https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS?ref_=s9_apbd_otopr_hd_bw_b2Rr10l&pf_rd_r=Z3ZB2HFT6AKW0NKYSQAD&pf_rd_p=6a296233-3aa9-50e1-b3c0-1316e252b1c9&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-10&pf_rd_t=BROWSE&pf_rd_i=2243862011
You can disable the touchscreen in Device Manager. Not really an issue. This is what I did. If you ever end up playing something on Steam or Hearthstone, etc; you may want the touchscreen some random day.
1 points • daaangerz0ne
I have this one and it fits nicely:
1 points • yeehaw_yall
This is what I'm using (holy cow, it was $12 when I got it 3 years ago!) Super light, silent, simple, and has survived... many drops onto wood floors.
Any cooling pad will help significantly, if you want to find something sexier. The main point is to not have the laptop on a surface that's gathering heat.
1 points • JakeTheTank_
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_w871EbC5RWPHB
This one?
1 points • tylernelson71515
Yeah, i would suggest a fan stand. They dont usually cost more than like, $50-$100.
1 points • MC_chrome
I’ve personally used a pad made by havit, and I haven’t had any reason to complain so far. Here is a link to the pad in question if you are interested.
1 points • Fireflair_kTreva
First thing to do is take some compressed air to it and blow out all the vent ports. Make sure you've chased all those evil dust bunnies out of the thing. There are USB powered cooling pads that are essentially just fans that blow against the laptop which do help.
Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=1BU2SM7A1E7RV&dchild=1&keywords=laptop+cooling+pad&qid=1605092348&sprefix=laptop+cool,mi,261&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzM09aNVpWQlpORzREJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDY4MzMyOTRGWlBDQVNFN0hEJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2MTk4MTkzQ040Wk44N1hPUEFOJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==&linkCode=sl1&tag=growmedia-20&linkId=395f2f97c426672ce7723820fd0e13cf&language=en_US
The other thing you can do is to reduce the demand on the CPU and GPU by lowering your settings and/or underclocking the system.
1 points • Atlas-303
I use this one
Works very well and vents cool air into my intakes, lowering heat. It still gets hot on they keys tho.
1 points • apost8n8
I'm on my second but I used them almost 24 hours a day since October 28, 2017.
1 points • formyanonposts
I'm running on a havit HV-F2056 and I love it actually. Super cheap and portable.
The 32 bit thing makes a lot of sense. I'm pretty sure I'm running on 64, but at this point I've now gotten rid of all of my 32 bit software. I just bought a ton of bundles from Waves and Izotope to replace my old Fabfilter software, so my computers running even better now. I'll definitely be mindful of my software from here on out.
Thanks for the tip on that. I didn't know that Logic couldn't split up the CPU usage and that's probably a big source of my problem. I'm not sure if this is considered to be the same as the solution that you provided, but all of this caused me to recently start to dive deeper into stack mixing. I used to stack numerous tracks into busses for group mixing and sidechaining, and have multiple output busses. I now have been doing the same groups but with half the amount of mixing, and then changing the output of those track stacks to more central output busses with the other half of that mixing.
For example: I would have a track stack for my beat toppers (hats, rides, some percussion), and another one for my sweeps/fx, and another one for fill/support/random percussion. Each stack would be EQ'd, compressed, sidechained, etc. and go through the Stereo Output. I now will have the same amount of stacks, but only like EQ'd, and then those stacks will all output through a single bus that has the finall Compressor, Sidechain, and High Pass. Instead of having 15 instances of bus compressors and sidechains, I now have 3 or 4, and it changes SOOO much.
Thanks for all of your tips, I think I'm gonna be updating to Catalina soon!
1 points • GlexAiang
Hey! I recently just bought this for my future g14 (which I haven’t bought yet but will soon😂) and from what I hear it’s a pretty good cooling pad. The fans are whisper-silent and you can even adjust the angle the cooling pad is going to be at. It’s very highly rated and if you swipe, there’s a demonstration video too to see what it’s like. I obviously haven’t tried it out myself yet but from what I’ve seen.. I can recommend this one.
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_I8tiFbD64R8T7
1 points • dmigz
My xps 15 4k will be here this upcoming week. I don’t do any gaming, but I plan on streaming 4K movies and I think that will make it hot.
Here is the cooling pad I was eyeballing https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=laptop+cooling+pad&qid=1593898856&sprefix=laptop+co&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyNVJHMlg3MFpXMTVUJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzc0MDMyMllRNzMyMzk1WEpEMCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjE5ODE5M0NONFpOODdYT1BBTiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
1 points • acle0814
If you're a laptop user, I recommend getting a cooling pad. I use Havit's which has three fans and an extra usb. It does a good job of lowering your temps, and is very quiet.
1 points • Nessent
I personally use a Havit cooling pad. My 17.3 Dell g7 sticks out over the edges a bit, but it works just fine.
Ive seen a small decrease in temps, but the major thing is that its lifted up off the desk and can actually breathe now.
You can find it here: havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HdC2Eb2C0F9YY
1 points • SteveLem
Just a cooling pad.
1 points • taked0wn_
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8iDdFbPEJHFCT
This one has worked really well for me
1 points • StayingFocuZed
A Havit one I found on Amazon, nothing too fancy, but it works for now:
1 points • kams86
Played rainbow six, fall guys, pga 2k21, league of legends, destiny 2. Everything is at max settings without frame drops. I bought a cooling pad on Amazon and undervolted.
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_v58rFb7S443D1
1 points • markarth69
unfortunately the lights can't be turned off
1 points • nyar5840
Buy something like this i use a fan pad and my laptop is never to hot
1 points • DragonballKier
This ones for the people whose laptop gets too hot while playing. I cant play without it.
1 points • itsmudo
Hey how’s it going? I heard cooling pads didn’t work and gave one a try after doing some research. I found one that does a pretty good job of circulating the cool air. Hope this helps 🙏🏾
2 points • Fattybeards
I bought this one: https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=cooling+fan+laptop&qid=1595426669&sr=8-5
Works like a champ. Powered by usb.
2 points • ThisCorrosion
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NNMB3KS?pf_rd_r=MMFGC7A4W6QNH9ZPY6K3&pf_rd_p=edaba0ee-c2fe-4124-9f5d-b31d6b1bfbee I use this one it is pretty good.
1 points • CynosaBasilisk
Looks quite nice and organized, I would put one of those laptop cooling pads under it for better performance.
Like example this: https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=laptop+cooling+pad&qid=1584275426&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=A3TJEO884AOUB3&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzQUNUTVVOUTg2UzlHJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTk1MzY2MkIyMVkyOFRQOUJYTyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTMxMTMxMVk0SUJOOTJJRVhTViZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
Above might not be the best one, but it was just an example.
1 points • willisz91
I got this one early this week for my GS66 and it has been great so far. I'd also recommend a wrist rest as it does elevate the laptop a bit and my wrist started getting uncomfortable during gaming yesterday. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NNMB3KS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
1 points • Baller_lightning
1 points • mikeg112
I also had the same issue, and it turned out to be background processes that resulted in the FPS drop. try a game optimizer that shuts all of that down before you go into a major game. Also if your Ryzen is getting hot (above 92C+), consider getting a cooling pad with a fan built in, like one of these: https://www.amazon.com/HV-F2056-15-6-17-Laptop-Cooler-Cooling/dp/B00NNMB3KS/
1 points • Spankthenooodle
havit HV-F2056 15.6"-17" Laptop Cooler Cooling Pad - Slim Portable USB Powered (3 Fans), Black/Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NNMB3KS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_V1JRy3T5fjfIm
This is what I went with and I like it. Another option that isn’t a usb powered pad but just a stand that gives elevation is
Besign Adjustable Aluminum Laptop... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S9C5SFF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
1 points • Acidinmyfridge
This one here. Friend of mine has it, uses it on 15.6 laptop with a i7-9750h and 1660ti. Temps are 15-20 degrees lower. It has 2 usb ports in the back and also a power switch.
It's also available on german amazon in case you're ordering from within the EU.
1 points • PerlerGuy77
this is mine, but its univalible but you can use this
1 points • wrath_of_grunge
back in my gaming laptop days, i made one. i bought a monitor stand, like this one. i then used some zip ties to mount a fan to the bottom of the stand. then wired it together with a dimmer switch, so that it could be plugged into a power outlet.
it works really well even if it is a bit loud at full blast.
nowadays i'd probably just buy something like this.