EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
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Electronics Computers & Accessories Computer Components Internal Components Internal Power Supplies
- EVGA 600 BQ: Great quality, great value
- 80 plus Bronze certified, with 85 percent efficiency or higher under typical loads
- Fan Size/Bearing: 120 millimeters Fluid Dynamic Bearing quiet and Intelligent auto fan for near silent operation
- Heavy duty protections, including OVP, UVP, OCP, OPP, and SCP
- AC Input 100 to 240 VAC, 10 5A, 50 to 60 hertz; Operating temperature 0 degree to 40 degree Celsius
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2 points • Tofoobob
The ryzen 5 3600 comes with a stock cooler that should be fine, so unless it's for aesthetic purposes, you dont really need the cooler. I'd recommend getting at least like a 256gb ssd or NVMe ssd as a boot drive. Dont forget to also buy some case fans.This power supply is 2 dollars more, but is 600w and semi modular.
2 points • woodstrist
This is the exact PSU. With over 2000 reviews rating it at 4.5 stars and evga's BQ models being one of the most common PSU's out there I feel pretty good about it. While it's $80 new I'd definetly recommend checking out the B-stock on EVGA's website, every wendsday they refresh it with very compelling deals.
1 points • fredthefishlord
Just ordered this: https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=power+supply+600w+evga&qid=1579145172&sprefix=power+supply+600w+evga&sr=8-1 old psu just didn't have an 8 pin cord that I needed
1 points • tybuzz
If you don't plan on upgrading your cpu to the 5000 series in the future, you could go with a cheaper B450 chipset motherboard like the B450 TOMAHAWK Max and not lose any performance.
You could also go with a cheaper brand similar ssd like a sabrent rocket and not lose any noticeable performance compared to the samsung.
That 600 watt power supply should be fine, but it's on the lower end quality wise. I personally try to get at least 80+ gold rated and a 5 year warranty, but power supplies seem to be in short supply right now. This one https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O
is significantly cheaper and similar in quality if you want to go with something similar.
1 points • anusbeefyum
EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_15ERFbPWJ38JX
1 points • christenlanger
1 points • MashTactics
Personally I'd recommend coughing up the money for something a liiittle nicer, but if you're super tight on cash and CAN'T swing anything larger, something like this could give you a little extra headroom.
600-650w should be good enough.
1 points • Hunza01
we have not tried it, but I watched a video covering it and our power supply has covered cords, so its all black. Don't think it would be a good idea to cut the wires cover like that either
1 points • 1nvisiblepenguin
Thanks for reaching out!
- PSU is EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular
- No I don't think its on their qvl
- No overclocks
- I haven't installed any programs since the wipe, it failed at the stage where I put in my microsoft account info during initial setup
Let me know if this gives you any information to go on!
1 points • M3LONSHARK
Swap out the power supply for this. This one is semi-modular so it makes cable management much easier. Other than that, you're good.
1 points • Creevy
Good to know; thisis my PSU.
1 points • hspeed9000
This is my psu
EVGA 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply 110-BQ-0600-K1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_jVuJEbZERJE1F
1 points • RonnieM07
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTJTO2O?tag=pcpapi-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1 Maybe something with more wattage for a batter gpu and futureproofing
Thats a pretty crappy psu it's not even 80 plus certified and has a low amp output. try to run a single ram stick and switch slots. also do you have the cases power button cables in right the power switch and reset switch. make sure you have the cpu in right or that you didn't bend any pins as amd cpu's are fragile. also not to sound dumb but did you make sure you have the power switch on the back of the psu sometimes i have a brain fart and forgot to check that myself. if this does not work you want to try a new psu as apevias are bottom of the barrels and usually arent 80+ certified.https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=600+watt+psu&qid=1597721244&s=electronics&sr=1-1
2 points • Techdeckatx
If you haven't pulled the trigger on it yet, you can get this 600w EVGA PSU for the same price.
1 points • klueck21
How is this EVGA 600w bronze? https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=evga+gold+600w&qid=1607124826&sr=8-3 or should I go for gold??
1 points • JD-0NE
and Get this EVGA 600 Watt semi modular. You dont need 700watt for your system in any case
1 points • Ace_Of_Nuke
im new to pc building so i can't really find what psu you looked up for me. this is what i found https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=psu&qid=1587353017&refinements=p_72%3A1248879011%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_two_browse-bin%3A6906984011%7C6906985011%2Cp_n_feature_three_browse-bin%3A16955317011%7C16955319011&rnid=6525659011&s=pc&sr=1-7&th=1
1 points • ChrisHID
So, after looking through Amazon, I found this MSI motherboard, which isn’t only $10 cheaper, but is compatible with 3rd gen Ryzen https://www.amazon.com/MSI-Performance-Gaming-Crossfire-Motherboard/dp/B07XHH4YG4/ref=sr_1_4?crid=20S6BJN80DADW&dchild=1&keywords=am4%2Bmotherboard&qid=1586584406&sprefix=AM4%2B%2Caps%2C235&sr=8-4&th=1. The ram and GPU you chose are a perfect choice for your build, as well as your choice for HDD and SSD, however if you wanted to save money, you could opt for a smaller SSD, like a 500gb, especially since your HDD is 2TB. As for the case, I won’t leave much of a comment, as everyone has their own opinions on case designs, and although you could save money there, I’d say get it if that’s the design you prefer. I’d say the 2 biggest places you can save money, are with the CPU cooler, which you can drop, and the PSU. This PSU is $20 cheaper, and is still semi modular, which I really recommend if this is your first build https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O.
1 points • tatsu901
Both 40 bucks cheaper i got the Thermaltake one but from a bulk seller that slapped a different sticker and was ten dollars less on the side and serves me well so far as its gold rated.
1 points • Expensive_Health
80+ Bronze, Semi Modular, 600 Watt, all for \~$95 on Amazon.
1 points • ahradicaldude
so I found a different power supply. I could find a rating on the original one, so im going to return it. DO you think this is a better option?
1 points • relentlessMango
A Ryzen 5 2600 is $150 on amazon, and would pair nicely with a GTX 1660 super which is about $250-300. B450m Motherboard would house them both for about $90 and then you’d need;
-600w PSU EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AIoNFbVZG2SS8 ($80)
-DDR4 RAM 16gb Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz C16 Desktop Memory Kit - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0143UM4TC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sJoNFbBDJP7Y6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
-SSD or HDD (an ssd will put a much bigger smile on your face)
Crucial MX500 500GB 3D NAND SATA 2.5 Inch Internal SSD, up to 560MB/s - CT500MX500SSD1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0786QNS9B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RKoNFb593V48T
-a case of your choice!
(~800 bucks for these parts listed)
1 points • Redleaderx13
For your motherbored get a better b450 Here are some i like
Msi tomahwk b450 max (found mostly in best buys)
As for power supplys
Evga makes very good ones
1 points • holywater908
simply lookup a basic computer building video and follow the steps for hooking all the cables and parts to it. i will link a few below. also its a good rule of thumb to look at the manual for a power supply and motherboard. when getting a new power supply best to look for a bronze to gold power one. depending on the load and the parts in it. best bet is getting a evga bronze or most gold from a good well known brand. i hope this could have been any help to you. i hope you fix your issues and if you need anymore help please feel free to ask
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7MYOpFONCU&ab_channel=LinusTechTips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHhMW89R7pY&ab_channel=LinusTechTips
https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3683RUM2FVHF8&dchild=1&keywords=evga+power+supply&qid=1608183671&sprefix=evga+%2Caps%2C371&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.com/CORSAIR-RM550x-Certified-Modular-Supply/dp/B079HGL413/ref=sr_1_10?crid=2578O2F33DPTN&dchild=1&keywords=gold+power+supply&qid=1608183699&sprefix=gold+power%2Caps%2C671&sr=8-10
1 points • allday710
I have a monitor that’ll run 120hz no problem.
This is what I have so far saved in cart, how does it seem?
Motherboard: https://www.amazon.com/ASRock-B450M-Promontory-CrossFireX-Motherboard/dp/B07MV9BMNY
Memory: https://www.amazon.com/TEAMGROUP-T-Force-Vulcan-3000MHz-Desktop/dp/B07QRSPFG7
SSD: https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SSD-PLUS-Internal-SDSSDA-1T00-G26/dp/B07D998212
Graphics card: https://www.amazon.com/ZOTAC-GeForce-192-bit-Graphics-Compact/dp/B07NMWQXLR
Case: https://www.amazon.com/NZXT-H510-Management-Water-Cooling-Construction/dp/B07TC76671
CPU: https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-3600-12-Thread-Processor/dp/B07STGGQ18
PSU: https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-Modular-Warranty-110-BQ-0600-K1/dp/B01MTJTO2O
What should I switch out?🤔
1 points • E1iZ
I bought mine this week, it’s more than good enough to stream pubg...Ima show you what I bought
MSI VGA Graphic Cards RX 580 ARMOR 8G OC https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XZQMMHJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MWjMEbZDZ1MS6
Asus Prime B450M-A/CSM AMD Ryzen 2 AM4 DDR4 HDMI DVI VGA M.2 USB 3.1 Gen2 mATX Motherboard https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FKV5HWJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0WjMEbSK6A8T1
ADATA SU800 128GB 3D-NAND 2.5 Inch SATA III High Speed up to 560MB/s Read Solid State Drive (ASU800SS-128GT-C) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K8A29BE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_eXjMEbPKDGQ2T
ARCTIC F12-120 mm Standard Low Noise Case Fan - Fluid Dynamic Bearing - Innovative Design https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002KTVFTE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sXjMEbVBNB7M0
JBtek All Black Sleeved PWM Fan Splitter Cable 1 to 2 Converter, 2 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EF9OI0O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QXjMEbZ0K1406
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Processor with Wraith Stealth Cooler - YD2600BBAFBOX https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B41WS48/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_jYjMEbT1HBDYP
Seagate BarraCuda 1TB Internal Hard Drive HDD – 3.5 Inch SATA 6 Gb/s 7200 RPM 64MB Cache for Computer Desktop PC (ST1000DM010) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LNJBA2I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VYjMEb47KGMCN
EVGA 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply 110-BQ-0600-K1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTJTO2O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_nZjMEbXFQC2VH
Cooler Master MasterBox Lite 3.1 TG mATX Case with Dark Mirror Front Temper Glass Side Panel Customizable Trim Colors (MCW-L3S3-KGNN-00) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075MYYFC8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NZjMEbEZXWMRH
1 points • aminy23
The power supply, SSD, and video card are bad choices.
The power supply itself is fine, but it's $25 cheaper at Amazon and Walmart:
The Nvidia 1660 Super is $30-$40 cheaper, and significantly better performing than the 5500XT, That 5500XT is $199 with a rebate, the 1660 Super is $150-$160 normal price:
Over time, they find ways of making memory chips for SSD cheaper, not better. QLC is the cheapest and least durable type of chip, and it's found in the Crucial P1, Samsung QVO, Sabrent Rocket Q, and Intel 660P.
The Samsung Evo drives use standard chips, and the Pro drives use premium chips. SATA is an old technology, and NVMe is typically 4-6 times faster. May I suggest this drive from Micro center which is the same price, over 5x faster (3100 vs 550 megabytes per second), and lasts over 4x as long (360 vs 1,600 terabytes of writes):