Corsair CX Series 550 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certified Modular Power Supply (CP-9020102-NA)

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Info from Amazon Listing
  • 80 Plus bronze certified: High efficiency operation for less excess heat and lower operating costs. Compatibility supports ATX12V 2.4/2.3/2.2/2.01 and EPS12V 2.92 standards
  • Thermally controlled fan: Silent operation at low and medium loads. Fan size is 4.72 inch
  • Semi-Modular: Make your builds and upgrades easy, with clean, great-looking results
  • Five year warranty: Your guarantee of reliable operation that will last across several system builds

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Reddit Posts and Comments

5 posts • 44 mentions • top 44 shown below

r/buildapcsales • post
110 points • RoughRhinos
[PSU] Corsair CX550M Semi Modular 80 Plus Bronze - $66.19 in stock June 19th
r/buildapcsales • post
20 points • KSmooove
[PSU] Corsair CX Series 550 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certified Modular Power Supply - $65
r/buildapcsales • post
12 points • nerdwith177013
r/buildapcsales • post
5 points • Enrique__M
[PSU]Corsair CX Series 550 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certified Modular Power Supply (CP-9020102-NA)($64.29) Semi(In Stock June 20th)
r/buildapcsales • comment
2 points • Saucerful

Knowing that, would this be a better choice then?

r/buildapcsales • post
2 points • ahzianrai
[PSU] Corsair CX550M - Corsair CX Series 550W 80 Bronze Semi Modular Power Supply - $66.58 with free shipping for Amazon Prime Members
r/pcgaming • comment
2 points • Haywood_Jablomie42

The bronze / silver / gold part is about efficiency of the power supply. Higher efficiency is better (obviously), but not worth spending a lot of extra money on. The more efficient the power supply is, the more you can get away with running your total power draw close to the max power output of the power supply. I'd probably go with a 550w power supply to make sure you've got a decent amount of leeway for lower efficiency periods and such.

This Corsair 550w bronze power supply is $70, but that's just an idea. Obviously shop around and look at other brands to get the best price and if you go for non-modular power supplies, you'll cut costs (but modular power supplies make cable management so much easier).

r/pchelp • comment
1 points • jonfromtherow

I would go with a 550 watts like this one you can choose a different one if you like just don't choose the cheapest.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • ibendl3zz

Would this also work ?

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Begun_the_game

So would this power supply be a good choice? PSU

r/techsupport • comment
1 points • Blakemolthan

Heres the specs on Amazon, from the looks of it its 550 Watts.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • OhLawdHeChonks

Go with the corsair bronze cx series. It's a great deal and good enough for that build.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • breakingbid

I've always liked corsair and evga for PSU's never had an issue with them, those parts are pretty power efficent so you don't really need a big psu. is a good choice, could go for the 650 wat instead of the 550 if you want some room for future upgrades and still under $100.

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • ateam54321

Corsair CX Series 550 Watt 80 Plus Bronze Certified Modular Power Supply (CP-9020102-NA)

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • archimon

This was the other corsair PSU I'd been looking at: - the TXM would be about $15 cheaper than the RMx if I bought it through newegg.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • usr1234567890

100 $ the current one is 84$

how about this one

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • Gcarsk

Obviously it’s hard to compare pre-virus costs, but back in October, $60-70 for a semi modular 500-600 W PSU was pretty normal. I went with the Corsair CX550M for my 3600/5700xt build (I know, not really comparable to the 1660s but, still).

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • CobaltSmith

Great idea! Looks like we may go with this for the PSU as the semi modular design is something I'd like the students to have some experience with. The cost difference is negligible IMO.

r/buildapcforme • comment
2 points • Loafito

Oh fuck me I forgot a power supply, that'll drive the price up a good bit so I can remake it if it's too high for your budget. As for one that I would recommend this would be a good one for your buget:

They are in somewhat of short supply lately so it's hard to find a good one right now. You'll also need some thermal paste, that cpu cooler comes with some last time I bought one of them, to clean thermal paste of your cooler and gpu you have to use rubbing alcohol, it doesn't matter the percent ( for example 70% isopropyl alcohol) it's just the higher the percent the faster it dries. Here is a video that shows how to build a pc:

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • gregz83

I would say if you are going to put in a GPU then you will need to replace the stock PSU in the system.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • chapa10q
r/gpu • comment
1 points • boermac

FWIW, if you stay with a 550 Watt, corsair has a semi-modular one on amazon right now for just $64 compared to your $58 (with shipping included) option.

r/hardwareswap • comment
0 points • ypeelS
r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Pizzzathehutt
r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • iwuzwhatiwuz

They only had the one, sorry.

Amazon does have the 550w Semi-modulars for $63.15

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • jpark56

NP. I'd also point out that ThermalTake power supplies are generally not well regarded. I don't want to stretch the budget too much, but you can currently get a Corsair CXM 550W 80+ gold for $65 on amazon:

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Sarikiller26

Well the psu and motherboard dont usually effect motherboard and the price for your motherboard is way too overpriced. You should get this power supply and this is the motherboard u should get. Then change the GPU to the RX 5600XT

r/buildapc • comment
2 points • ilessthanthreemath

Slightly faster RAM (same brand), $5 cheaper.

Better video card (1660 Ti Super), $3 more.

Higher wattage PSU (550W), $10 more.

(Optional): Better and larger drive (NVMe instead of SATA and 512GB), $18 more.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • rogueqd

I'm not really up on the current best brands, but a quick Amazon search...

TBH I'd wait to see what others suggest.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • SallySmith123

This case has pretty good airflow and is 30$ cheaper

Maybe get a cheaper motherboard (around 100$) without wifi, and put a wifi adapter on it.

This power supply is 15$ less.

You could spend the extra money saved on a better graphics card, maybe an RX 5600 XT

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • ThatOneDankDude

I just got a cx550m (5 year warranty) for $63 a week ago and I'm using a 3600x and a rx 5600xt. Its still on sale for 79$ right now:

Or you can get the CV550 for $57:

Trust me 350wts is the most your system will draw, 650wtts is almost overkill for that gpu and cpu. If you haven't gotten your gpu yet use your $60 savings to get a rtx 2060 or rx 5600 xt. I'd suggest looking up psu tier list to compare the two psus.

r/buildapcforme • comment
1 points • Corona_of_DEATH

Try to keep your power supply at least 80+ certified, around or above the recommended wattage for your GPU, and from a reputable brand, such as EVGA, Corsair, Thermaltake, Cooler master, Seasonic, and maybe XFX or Antec.

Some good examples for the third system:

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • overneath23

Are you in the US? Loading all these parts into PCPP shows that you only need 300w so a 500w PSU is fine, I'd still try to see if you can find a better brand PSU. If you're in the US, this one is currently available on Amazon

I'd grab while you can if you are in the US. It's the same one I have and I love it.

I'd also still search around for a different mobo if you don't already have the x470 one you listed. X470 is really expensive and x570 can be found for a little more money, or the B450 which is much more affordable and still allows overclocking. Not much point in going with the higher price chipsets unless you're really planning on using the features or, in the case of the x570, upgrading to Ryzen 4000 when it drops.

Edit: I don't know what you're budget is (or will be) but I came up with this parts list. Swapping some parts out for cheaper/better ones allows for a better GPU.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • jtannous

Don't cheap out on PSUs, or your best case would be a dead PSU and your worst case would be a dead combination of other components.

You need at least a 500W PSU from a respectable brand.

Personally, I'd go with the CX550:

r/computers • comment
1 points • Silver_Foxxx

You left a bunch of info out because you're a newb, but I'm gonna try to fill in the gaps and help you make a more educated decision.

When you buy a video card you have to consider price, and the screen resolution of your monitor.

You want to purchase a video card that will play games at your monitor's display resolution and refresh rate.

I'm going to assume for your two-hundred dollars you'll want to power a 1920x1080 display at 60Hz.

This will do that some of the time.

And this will do that more often. You will want the 8GB version not the 4GB version

Both cards will require extra power from your power supply. Your power supply probably doesn't have the extra PCI-e power cable and wattage to run either of those cards. You'll need a new power supply.

We are already at $280.00.

This will probably work with your current power supply, but it isn't designed to produce 60 frames per second on a 1920x1080 display.

Your FX-4300 will not feed any modern video card fast enough for it to reach its maximum frames per second. You would need a an entirely new computer for that to happen.

Your motherboard may not run any newer video card. It may not have the BIOS programming necessary to run any modern card, but in this case I'm thinking it'll probably run a more modern card.

These video cards are fairly big in comparison to your R5 200 series. They may not fit in your case.

Your monitor will need to have an HDMI or DisplayPort. None of these cards have VGA ports and conversion cables are BAD.

Let me see. Is there anything else I can do or say to stomp on your dreams.

I think that's it for now, but if I think of anything I'll let you know.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • pyro226

Amazon reviews for it aren't good

Compare that to more typical review profiles (90% or more in the 4 and 5 star categories)

r/SleepingOptiplex • comment
1 points • EuphoricCube78

Heres what i did with my optiplex 9020;

Upgraded PSU to a Corsair 550M which i got for $85 UDS, but currently it looks to be around $150 USD.

Upgraded graphics card (from a GT 1030) to a XFX RX570 I chose the 8gb model cause it was for some reason $50 USD cheaper than the 4gb model.

For the PSU you'll also need a 24pin to 8pin power cable, i bought this one and jt works perfectly.

Here is a benchmark of AC Odessy with my exact specs (not my vid though lol)

r/PcMasterRaceBuilds • comment
1 points • Raventhornicorn

Ryzen 5 1600AF - $100 from Amazon (CPU cooler included)

MSI Pro M.2 Max - $75 from Amazon

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB 3000MHz - $82 from Amazon

Crucial P1 500GB M.2 - $70 from B+H

Sapphire Pulse RX580 8GB- $165 from Amazon

Corsair CX550M 550W Bronze - $67 from Amazon

NZXT H510 - $70 from Amazon


We're pushing your budget by about 20 or 30 dollars, but the price to performance is MUCH MUCH better than the PC you were intending to buy. I don't mean to sound condescending, please don't take it that way, just want to help. The PC parts you listed are older and far less powerful, and you are paying a pretty significant price when there are components of similar price with better performance!


The CPU I chose is similar in performance to the Ryzen 5 2600. Please make sure to get the AF version of the 1600, as it's an "updated" model compared to the old 1600.

Not really much to say about the motherboard other than MSI makes solid boards starting at that price. It won't disappoint you.

16GB of at minimum 3000MHz RAM. Faster RAM is important, especially for Ryzen. While 3000MHz is perfectly fine, if you would like to squeeze the budget by an extra 10$, I would get 3200MHz of the same RAM instead.

500GB might seem a bit small - and it is - but I'd rather put some of the money elsewhere in the rig as adding another SSD or HDD later is no hassle, and 500GB is plenty for a while.

The RX580 8GB will absolutely destroy a 1050Ti. I upgraded from a 1050Ti to an RX580 myself, and for roughly the same price, this one is a no-brainer. While performance varies from game to game, the RX580 is in a similar performance category as a GTX 1060.


This PC Part Picker list ends up above budget with the same components. Just made it to show no hardware incompatibilities, power consumption, etc.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • lelel86

|Component|Title|Price| |:-|:-|:-| |CPU|Ryzen 5 3600|$219.99 (Amazon US)|) |Motherboard|MSI B550M PRO-VDH WiFi|$106.99 (Amazon US)|) |GPU 1|MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT Mech OC|$389.99 (Amazon US)|) |RAM 1|(2x8GB) Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600|$66.99 (Amazon US)|) |Storage 1|Crucial P1 1TB|$94.49 (Amazon US)|) |PSU|Corsair CX550M|$79.99 (Amazon US)|) |Case|Cooler Master MasterBox TD500 Mesh White|$99.99 (Amazon US)|) | | | | |Total Price|$1058.43| | |Generated by BuildCores|BuildCores for iOS|BuildCores for Android|

r/PcBuild • comment
1 points • aristotle2020

Ryzen 5 3600

Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (8GB×2) 3200MHz CL16

Corsair CX550M

Noctua NH-U12S

Sabrent Rocket Q 1TB

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2060 Super

NZXT H510 - has two fans for exhaust

2×be quiet! pure wings 2 140mm fan - these two in front of case for intake )

1 to 2 PWM fan splitter 2-pack use this to attack all four fans to motherboard which has limited PWM ports

AOC C24G1 1080p 144Hz VA Curved

Total build comes to 1161.67 USD.

Add 13.99 USD WiFi adapter

Now the build costs 1175.56 USD. Pretty sick rig.

Add Corsair K55 keyboard+ Harpoon RGB mouse combo

Now the total cost is 1244.72 USD

You can use an existing pair of earphones or buy these for 23.99 USD more

Then total comes to 1268.71USD for EVERYTHING you need.

r/pcmasterrace • comment
1 points • Lukas245

BOOM everything you’ll need under 2300 monitor keyboard mouse even windows great all around build with enough power to run 90 percent of games (yes monitor is 144hz)

|Component|Title|Price| |:-|:-|:-| |CPU|Ryzen 5 2600|$157 (Amazon US)|) |Motherboard|Asus ROG Strix B450-F|$129 (Amazon US)|) |GPU 1|ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2060 Super OC|$749 (Amazon US)|) |RAM 1|(2x8GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3600|$103 (Amazon US)|) |Storage 1|Seagate Barracuda 1TB|$45 (Amazon US)|) |Storage 2|Kingston A400 SSD 240GB|$39 (Amazon US)|) |PSU|Corsair CX550M|$79 (Amazon US)|) |Case|NZXT H510 Black|$69 (Amazon US)|) |Case Fan 1|LEDdess Addressable RGB LED 120mm Case Fan with Controller f|$37 (Amazon US)|) |Monitor 1|BenQ ZOWIE XL2411P|$287 (Amazon US)|) |CPU Cooler|Corsair H100i PLATINUM RGB|$214 (Amazon US)|) |Keyboard|Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 RAPIDFIRE Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - |$154 (Amazon US)|) |Mouse|Razer Mamba Chroma - Professional Grade Esports Wired/Wirele|$119 (Amazon US)|) |OS|Microsoft Windows 10 Home USB Flash Drive|$115 (Amazon US)|) | | | | |Total Price|$2296| |

r/SubredditSummaryBot • comment
1 points • subredditsummarybot

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