WD_Black 500GB SN750  NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND - WDS500G3X0C

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Electronics Computers & Accessories Data Storage Internal Solid State Drives

Info from Amazon Listing
  • An exclusive WD BLACK SSD dashboard with gaming mode improves game performance.
  • Available in capacities ranging from 250GB to 2TB
  • Ideal for enthusiasts building custom desktops or gaming rigs
  • NVMe drive not compatible with SATA interface
  • 5-year manufacturer's limited warranty

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Western Digital

Reddit Posts and Comments

4 posts • 62 mentions • top 50 shown below

r/buildapcsales • post
36 points • homeless_at_home
[SSD WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND
r/buildapcsales • post
11 points • Aladdin247
[SSD] WD SN750 500GB - $69.99
r/buildapcsales • comment
6 points • LucidMystery

You might have luck getting BB to price match amazon's $69.99 price.


r/buildapcsales • comment
5 points • nalge

why would you consider either at that price when the WD black is $62.99?

r/buildapcsales • comment
5 points • keebs63

Same price at Amazon still:


This is a pretty good price for a drive like this, but seems to be a pretty standard sale price for the SN750.

r/buildapc • comment
3 points • sk9592

The WD Black SN750 for $63: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD

Don't bother with the WD Blue.

r/PCDeals • post
3 points • leonbakerreddit
WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND - WDS500G3X0C (46%off)
r/buildapcsales • comment
2 points • ParanormalPlankton

Why buy this when you can purchase a 500GB SN750 for $3 more on Amazon? Spending 5% extra gets you double the storage, while the performance difference would be negligible to anyone in the market for a 250/500GB NVMe drive. I don't see the point in getting a 250GB 970 Evo at this price.

r/buildapc • comment
2 points • K1D74T

WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND - WDS500G3X0C https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_c8V0EbMSVF084

r/pcmasterrace • comment
2 points • attombomb22

Western Digital 500GB WD_Black SN750  NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND - WDS500G3X0C https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_EwzVFbCKPV227?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 if you can afford the 2tb one that would last you a long time

r/24hoursupport • comment
2 points • Omnitographer

Not so much better, slightly better type of NAND, but otherwise about the same specs overall, honestly can't say why you'd be seeing such a serious drop in performance. That said, if your motherboard supports NVMe, this drive is $10 more and 6x faster than what you just bought, if you can return the WD Blue and get the WD Black I would strongly advise it.


You might check and see if the WD Blue has a firmware update available, this may help performance issues.

r/pcmasterrace • post
2 points • LEXIOR_HUX
Should i get this specially since in intel we are still in PCIe 3.0 please let me know on your comments below. thanks
r/RedditShoppingDeals • comment
1 points • GreenNapster

Deal link: Amazon

^^Note: ^^The ^^deal ^^may ^^have ^^expired ^^by ^^the ^^time ^^you ^^see ^^this ^^post.

r/intel • comment
1 points • bearded_monkey_pdx

Yeah should be able to handle a majority of AAA games that are out with no issues

The biggest thing I’d add is this for the OS install and primary games

WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • cjeman01

That Western Digital is a SATA M.2, so it's not a "true" m.2 NVME Drive. Look into something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=twister_B07XQXHPBC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Ezzy_Black

I have a very similar system (9700K on a Z390UD), those parts are fine. I think it would definitely be worth the small cost to replace the 860 Evo SSD, with an NVME drive. This NVME drive from Western Digital is highly rated and currently a whopping one penny more than the Samsung 860 SATA drive.

My system has both a SATA Drive and an NVME drive. Benchmarks show the NVME drive is 5.5 times faster. You can't go wrong with it for an extra $.01.

r/SuggestALaptop • comment
1 points • legos45

Yes, definitely. You can add another 500 GB NVMe SSD in the other slot. The WD SN750 500 GB is always a good choice.

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • Gottachill94

[SSD] WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe DRAM M.2 2280 (500gb $79) (1tb $149) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QwibFbS2FEDVP

Just so they can see 1tb have gone to $109 Compared to 500gb for 69.99

Plus more comments on different views and if it is in fact it

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • nahorupturned

I looked into some other electronics mostly on Amazon and there is some weird pricing on some products. Fortunately, the ones I'm looking to buy have normalish pricing.

As for the SSD itself I'm hoping to get this WD Nvme which seems to have DRAM.

r/DellXPS • comment
1 points • Cynamn63

This is what i ordered for my XPS 15....love it. Very fast. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • MariusIchigo

Is it this one? WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND - WDS500G3X0C https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_uO8fFbQN3NGAM

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • Spectrum___

Just get an SN750 for not even $2 more for the NVMe speed and form factor.

r/hardwareswap • comment
1 points • soundslikebliss

interested in the sn750, but amazon is asking $5.01 less

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • wolfwoodCS

WD_Black SN750 500GB NVMe Internal Gaming SSD - Gen3 PCIe, M.2 2280, 3D NAND - WDS500G3X0C https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_Job9Eb98WKYZY

No for the OS you want nvme or ssd

r/buildapcforme • comment
1 points • Faiyaz777

I must say your ssd is great but it’s not really appropriate for your budget because the improvement is so slight for some $30 cheaper. I would say get this one: https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-SN750-500GB-Internal-Gaming/dp/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=500gb+m.2+ssd&qid=1593114237&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFUV0oxSkMxVU5FVEYmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAxMjA1NThPSERZQUFDVjJLNjImZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDQwNDMzODNWT1VXMEQzVFlWQjgmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==. Another thing is that you dknt really need an aftermarket cooler for ur cpu as the stock one is good enough. But if you are going to get one anyways get the hyper 212 black edition which is the upgraded version of the one you picked and only costs $5 more when it looks wayyyy better and performs a bit better too. But my recommendation would be to stick with the stock cooler and take that money and the $30 u save from ssd and spend that on an upgraded gpu to 5600xt which is about $50 more but the performance is a 50% increase in frame rates.

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • LetsAllSmokin
r/buildapc • comment
1 points • OldNavyBoy

Do you think it’d be a good idea to swap the SSD you sent with this one: https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-SN750-500GB-Internal-Gaming/dp/B07MH2P5ZD?th=1&psc=1


r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • saucyraichu


r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • Volidon

Same price on amazon too


r/buildapc • comment
1 points • sjones92

I personally have a 1TB WD SN750 (WD Black), which is definitely one of the higher-end SSDs, but I snagged it for $125, which is only a little more than a budget SATA SSD. If you check r/buildapcsales I feel like there have been a ton of different NVME drives going on sale recently. The comment sections there will always have people confirming whether or not it's a good drive (usually using a bunch of technical lingo you don't need to even understand).

e: speak of the devil, the 500GB version of the drive I have is on sale as we speak for $70, which is apparently the cheapest it's ever been. If you need the 1TB it's more obviously, but if you keep an eye out is goes on sale pretty regularly.

e2: for the record, getting an NVME drive isn't THAT much more expensive, and they are significantly faster than SATA drives. If you really need to save $20ish then getting a SATA is fine, but NVMEs are faster. Fwiw, that speed is totally wasted with current games and tasks (kind of like driving a lamborghini to the grocery store), but it's possible that games will make use of the faster read speeds at some point, so "future proofing" isn't a bad idea.

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • cscqb4

500 GB version is $69.99 on Amazon FYI

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • P3ndula

I would opt for a 500Gb NVMe PCIe (this one is a steal atm) instead of the slower SATA one and have a SATA SSD as secondary instead of the Seagate, depending on your storage/usage needs, of course.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • mtdew332

The WD Black Is the fastest of your pics, and its also the most expensive so that would be for you personally to decide. (my opinion....out of your choices i'd buy the WD Black)

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Tricky_Platypus_5941

yeah I actually was able to get a full refund for the 860 evo and Im gonna get this which is even slightly cheaper than the 860 good option yeah? :)

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • mintconditioneggs

I'm afraid of wasting my money? Am I about to waste my money on the wrong SSD?


(Copy Pasted from my thread)

Over the last year I successfully built a PC out used parts I bought, found trashed, and traded for. CyberPunk is coming out soon and the system requirements suggests users play on an SSD. In a few months I'll be happily celebrating my birthday for the 5th time in my life, so I decided for the first time I'm going to buy myself a birthday present. Looking at my budget it seems I'll have about 70 dollars saved up by then.


My research has lead me to this Western Digital SN750 on Amazon for 63 USD, they also sell the SN550 for 9 USD Less with about 1000MB less in read/write speed. My motherboard supports PCI Gen 3x4 NVMe drives so this seems like a good fit. I found ones that are 10-15 cheaper but have read/write speeds that are less than half of what this offers.

It will be a long time before I can afford any other upgrades so I'd really like to not screw up this purchase. If I'm making the wrong choice and you know a better one in my budget I'd really love the advice. Thank you for reading this and for any advice you have for me.

r/PS5 • comment
1 points • AskingUndead

If you are looking for one to use right now the WD Black SN750 is very good and currently on sale. If you want a pcie gen4 for when the ps5 comes out, you can try the Sabrent Rocket

r/buildapcsales • comment
1 points • AwaitingCombat

this seems steep.

you can get a Samsung 970 Evo for $$88

or a WD_Black SN750 for $80

and while those are both already on the expensive side... they will outperform the patriot all day.

r/hardwareswap • comment
1 points • rogercheng3

just a heads up the sn750 is 62.99 rn on amazon


r/buildapc • comment
1 points • BronchialChunk

If you haven't purchased anything yet, the Western Digital Black 750 500 GB m.2 is only 3 dollars more on Amazon right now, I've read it is considered slightly better. I've been waiting to pull the trigger on it cause it is usually 79.99 goes on sale for 69.99 but never seen it this cheap. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MH2P5ZD/ref=crt_ewc_img_dp_4?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • M3LONSHARK

Swap out that m.2 for this. 10$ more for double the read and write speeds. https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-SN750-500GB-Internal-Gaming/dp/B07MH2P5ZD

r/laptops • comment
1 points • RicoViking9000

Lol you can literally get a WD Blue 500GB PCIe NVME SSD for $1 more on amazon, and a WD Black for $10 more. Absolutely no reason to get a SATA when you can get NVME for the same price

And also, to your friend, no, SATA SSDs will not fit in all motherboards. M.2 does not mean it automatically has B + M keys. It depends on the laptop

r/FortniteCompetitive • comment
1 points • BADMAN-TING

Wait until the new AMD CPUs are announced in 2 weeks.

Also that SSD isn't great. It's a SATA 3 one, you want an NVME one. They're significantly faster for not much more money.



r/buildapc • comment
1 points • rekd0514
r/LaptopDeals • comment
1 points • ibob991
r/ASRock • comment
1 points • iamZacharias

this is what I bought, works great on b450m/ac $63


r/Dell • comment
1 points • harshmf

you can use any nvme m.2 storage, don't go for 2230 as it lacks caching therefore you'll lose performance. use any 2280(i.e 22mm in width and 80mm in length), just google nvme m2 ssd, and check for pci gen 3x4.

I'll link some of the good ones below





these four have good reviews for speed and prices.

r/SuggestALaptop • comment
1 points • thelnel52

The quick answer (assuming you're looking for 500GB and want something on the faster end of the spectrum) is this for $60: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MH2P5ZD/

The longer answer is a little more nuanced. At a really high level, there are two different categories of drives, m.2 and 2.5". Within m.2, you have different physical configurations- this is represented by a 4 digit number, where the first two digits are the width, and the second two are the length. So 2280 (a common size), is 22mm wide and 80mm long. There are different protocols- NVMe and SATA, with NVMe being the faster of the two.

On top of all of that, you also have the components on the drive itself. Memory type (TLC, QLC, etc.), controller, etc. All of these things will impact the performance and anticipated lifespan of the drive, but

Based on what I've read, your laptop has two 2280 m.2 slots, the first supports both NVMe and SATA, while the second is just NVMe. It also supports a 2.5" drive. It looks like you currently have an NVMe drive in the first slot.

So, you really have all sorts of options. Any 2.5" or 2280 NVMe drive will work without much trouble. You could even move the existing drive to the second slot and pick up an m.2 SATA drive if you want.

The good news is that your laptop seems to give you a lot of flexibility, and there isn't going to be a huge difference between the fastest and most reliable drive and the slowest and least reliable one. Something like this 2.5" drive (1TB for $80) would probably be just fine as well: https://www.newegg.com/team-group-1tb-t-force-vulcan-g/p/N82E16820331555

One more thing- while you have the laptop open, it could be worthwhile to upgrade the RAM as well.

r/buildapc • comment
1 points • Astr0bull

The corsair RM is a fine performing psu, but for some reason corsair requested the use of 4th rate primary capacitors, su'scon in particular. For that reason it's off of my recommendations list. I'd consider the the RMx instead, at only $5-$10 more, it's hard to say no when the primary capacitors art 1st rate. Another option is the thermaltake GF1(same internal platform as the RMx, no stiff cables from in-cable caps).

If you aren't transferring large files all the time or video editing, the 970 evo will provide zero benefit. I'd opt for a wd sn550 or sn750 to save some cash while also getting effectively the same performance in general tasks.