Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking

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Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking is a self-help classic, with over 20m copies sold worldwide. It has been a #1 bestseller in nine European countries. It outsells all other quit smoking titles combined. This edition has been developed specifically for smokers in the US. This seminal book has enabled millions of smokers to quit easily and enjoyably using Carr's simple, drug-free approach.

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Allen Carr

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r/AskAcademia • comment
10 points • diskprept

There's actually some science behind this. Part of the addictive nature of smoking is the deep breathing you do when you do it. It relaxes your body and clears your mind in a similar way that meditation does. That's why deep breathing is a great tool to get through cravings.

Also, to everyone in this thread trying to quit: I highly recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way book. It's a short book, easy read, and it helped me finally kick the habit - I'm 3 years smoke free as of January 1st 2020. Gave it to a coworker afterwards and they were able to quit, too!

r/preppers • comment
5 points • awannabeprepper

i dont smoke so take this for what it's worth, i just heard about this book recently

Also I have heard many people use meditation (what people now call "mindfullness") to quit.

Meditation teaches you how to pay attention to things like cravings for cigarettes.

If you actually pay attention (i'm told) cigarettes actually taste disgusting. Once you realize that you realize you don't really want one.

again: advise from a non-smoker.

r/CasualConversation • comment
9 points • LeonardJPickard

Congratulations! It’s a worthwhile struggle. I was in your shoes not long ago. I started smoking at 13, quit at 41, 5 years ago.

I was a fucking asshole to myself and everyone around me during the withdrawal period, and I relapsed a bunch of times recreating that experience over and over. It fucking sucks. It’s among the top worst experiences of my life. I’m on tilt just thinking about it.

A smoking buddy I had at work who annoyingly quit recommended I read what I expected to be a stupid fucking book - Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I read it, and I haven’t smoked since. I cannot recommend it enough.

You deserve to be free of cigarettes. They’re robbing your time, your health and your money. If they were human you would’ve kicked them out a long time ago.

Try brushing your teeth every time a strong urge hits you, or make a cup of tea. Here’s a 5 minute breathing meditation:

It will pass and they will come farther and farther apart. You absolutely can get to the other side to a life that doesn’t even think about cigarettes ever. DM me anytime.

r/PKA • comment
2 points • post_truth

I read this book 15 years ago and never smoked again. Can’t say it will work for everyone, but it worked for me and several other people I know.

r/Waco • comment
2 points • shrike0

Gift him this book:

I smoked for 7 or 8 years and quit cold turkey with this book.

r/toastme • comment
2 points • willphotoshop4gold

I’ve been clean for about a month and a half. Read this book and it was like a switch flipped and I no longer felt an urge:

Give it a try there really is no downside.

r/stopsmoking • comment
2 points • coldbeers

This is how I stopped smoking, check the reviews, it’s all true

r/worldnews • comment
1 points • ericb303

It’s called The Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. I was a smoker for many years. A stranger on a beach recommended it to me and it actually fucking worked. It changes your mindset. I wish I could thank him.

r/awfuleverything • comment
1 points • cbmb

Try this book. I smoked for 10 years, read the book over a weekend, and I haven’t smoked since. Good luck.

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking

r/confession • comment
1 points • djlawman

Having a kid is what got me to quit when I was 35 after smoking since I was 13. I quit full time smoking at 22, but would still get my fix with smoking on weekends, with a beer, using snus, etc., but I’ve been done for a few years now. This book also helped a lot:

Good luck!

r/Psychedelics • comment
1 points • Guntowngangster

Thanks! There’s a really popular book that is famous for helping people quit.

r/cripplingalcoholism • comment
1 points • Hopehopehope4ever


This is a great book for your nicotine issue. It was given to me after my friend had success. I haven’t smoked now in 11 years.

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking

r/stopsmoking • comment
1 points • thievespbergeron

I'm sure everyone has tried it I doubt you'll find many people who it helped. What you do when you cut down is you put your body in a more constant state of nicotine withdrawal. You'll probably wind up irritable all the time and it'll probably make you break the rules you set up for cutting back. You can try if you want but I would read allen Carr's book while you do:

r/pics • comment
1 points • MrNothingman

Nicotine goes away fast from your system, after a couple weeks the addiction is psychological, that's why this will do much more than those pills in helping you quitting in the long run

r/IWantToLearn • comment
1 points • yuckl

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking

r/JoeRogan • comment
1 points • naetron

I tried over and over again and every time I tried I really didn't believe I was going to be able to quit. Or even that I actually wanted to. But I finally did quit for good almost two years ago. What really helped me was reading a book called Easy Way to Stop Smoking. I know some people who read it and never had another craving but it wasn't quite that easy for me. But it really did change the way I thought about cigarettes and my nicotine addiction. I highly recommend it and even if you're not able to quit on your first try after reading it, if you're like me, you'll keep that way of thinking about it with you and you'll be able to kick the habit when you're truly ready.

r/Romania • comment
1 points • skillshotstrike

pai fumeaza cat vrei si citeste cartea asta:

e foarte ok, singura data cand m-am lasat 2 saptamani :D, fumezi cat vrei si cand o termini de citit te lasi de daca reusesti sa ajungi la o saptamana, tine-te ocupat cu ...alte chestii, nu merge decat odata deci fi sigur ca vrei cand te apuci de ea

r/ShittyLifeProTips • comment
1 points • Ashavail

I would highly recommend Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It helped me and many that I know escape from the hell of nicotine addiction.

r/UpliftingNews • comment
1 points • wcmnbo

For anyone wanting to quit I found this book very helpful years ago: Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking Also know you’ve pretty much gotten them out of your system after three days, so you might have to white knuckle it a bit (I found eating chocolate helpful) but after that it’s just psychological!

r/AskReddit • comment
1 points • Hellothere54321

Smokers, read this book. If nothing else its a good read, but it showed me how to quit.

r/relationship_advice • comment
1 points • Haelrezzip

I find it interesting, too. No wonder poor mental health conditions and poverty are linked to tobacco use. Also, I’ll add that there is a stigma that smokers do not want to quit. That is a myth - so many of them want to, they just don’t know how. My boyfriend is a smoker and I was recommended this book to help him quit by a psychologist (she and her husband were former smokers, too): I have yet to buy it but I was told it takes more of a mindful and judgment free approach

r/pics • comment
1 points • d3l3t3rious

EasyWay worked for me after 20 years. And I would have told you I loved smoking. It sounds crazy but he really does makes it easy.

You can google an ebook version if you're cheap and skeptical. I went that route and then ended up buying one off Amazon just as a thank you after I quit.

r/AskReddit • comment
1 points • LetThereBeNick

Read Allen Carr’s The easy way to stop smoking

It’s full of good advice whether you quit or not

r/news • comment
1 points • A_thing_from_hell

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking

This is how I stopped in Feb. of 2008. I had my last cig, chucked the half empty pack and lighter in the trash and never had a craving since. When reading you need to read it carefully, don't skim, and take your time.

r/TwoXChromosomes • comment
1 points • C0nky2000

Congratulations! I'm currently two weeks into quitting after smoking over a pack (of Marlboro Reds) a day for 10+ years. Are you going cold turkey?

For the "hopeless" smokers lurking this thread, I'd highly recommend this book that helped convince me I actually could quit and made the process totally easy.

Congrats again, OP!

r/stopsmoking • comment
1 points • technocal

I use nomo for the app.

Buy Allen Carr's book:

r/pregnant • comment
1 points • barrnac13

This may seem silly, especially given the title, but this book has helped a lot of people: “Allen Carr’s East Way to Stop Smoking”

r/offmychest • comment
1 points • onceiwaslovely

If you can afford this book and a few more packs, it could help. I was a pack a day smoker for 20 years. In August, I’ll have been a nonsmoker for 14 years. My ex-husband and a friend of ours quit after reading it and my father kicked his 10-year Nicorette habit. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s worth a shot.

stop smoking book

r/latterdaysaints • comment
1 points • Ireallyreallydontgaf

I've never smoked, but I have heard really, really good things about this book from recovering smokers.

r/Sober • comment
1 points • jl_flatlake

1) i stopped with this book 12y ago - 40 cigs a day - im 54 now: 2) read every single page - in my opinion the smartest approach to drinking on the web:

r/StonerProTips • comment
3 points • AvatarFleshLight

Yo please be careful! This happened to a friend of mine a few years back he passed out in his bathroom and cracked his head on the tub. Thankfully woke up but to a pillow full of blood.

The cigarettes ARE probably having an effect because they will heighten your blood pressure. To witch after consuming THC will most likely lower it. Similarly to when you're squatting for a while and stand up all of a sudden and get light-headed. This effect can be amplified by the use of THC.

I'm a proponent of cannabis use however each user is different and you've cracked your skull open twice. Maybe reserve smoking for when you're with a buddy.

And just fyi I've smoked nearly daily for the past 15 years with occasional breaks for work drug test. I haven't smoked in the past 3 weeks and the energy and clarity it has provided me is real AF.

P.s. please think about quitting tobacco, I smoked for 8 years and this book made it Easy

From Leafly :

"Here’s an interesting piece of “non-trivial trivia” you can use to impress friends at your next cannabis-inspired intellectual discussion: posture during consumption may influence blood pressure. Suppose you’re sitting or lying on your couch – your blood pressure will temporarily increase immediately following consumption. Once you stand up, blood pressure will drop. In fact, if you stand up suddenly, blood pressure could drop significantly enough to induce enough lightheadedness to make you feel like you’re about to faint (don’t worry, it’s unlikely you’d actually pass out).

On the other hand, if you’re standing up when you imbibe, blood pressure may decrease without ever initially increasing. However, there isn’t a lot of published data verifying this effect. (If you’ve done your own comparative measurements, feel free to share in the comments section below!)"

r/pics • comment
1 points • wronghead

For anyone thinking about quitting, Alan Carr's book "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" is amazing. I never imagined a book could help, but it was easier than patches or vaping. It really was utterly painless.

r/pics • comment
1 points • imadethemap

For anyone trying to kick the habit, I would HIGHLY recommend Allen Car

r/quittingsmoking • comment
1 points • msslyss

Hey there! First off - props to you for deciding to quit... that is (in my opinion) the hardest part - Letting go.

One thing that has helped me is Alan Carr’s Book. This really put my addiction into perspective and allowed me to really work through my cravings without the help of nicotine patches/gum or vapes.

I also began doing acupuncture to help with easing the anxiety/stress. I started drinking a TON of water and made sure to exercise.

To give you a back story - i was a smoker for 10 years. I quit back in Nov 2018. I have had a few slip ups which aren’t ideal but completely normal. Just remember to be gentle with yourself and know that you will conquer this addiction. It just takes some time to work through it :)

r/FinancialPlanning • comment
3 points • christopher1983

The true lifetime cost of smoking is estimated between $1m - $2m. I’m sure you could imagine putting that money for better uses. Order Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking when you’re ready to stop. It’s very effective & saves you $1m - $2m! By the way, good for you for prioritizing loan repayment over some nice-to-haves. Hopefully refinancing can offer you some relief.

r/pics • comment
1 points • GeminiRocket

>Nicotine goes away fast from your system, after a couple weeks the addiction is psychological, that's why this will do much more than those pills in helping you quitting in the long run

I've read pretty much every literature about smoking and/or addiction i think I will die a smoker. 🚬

r/news • comment
1 points • foofer1233

I've been reading Alan Carr's book. It's really a life-changer, you should read it!

r/pics • comment
1 points • jerfojerfo

Read Alan Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking.

I smoked for ten years and that book really helped me. Also good luck!

r/medical • comment
1 points • sanity

This book helped me stop smoking many years ago:

r/starterpacks • comment
1 points • Im__fucked

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking

I smoked for 25 years and this book helped me quit 7 years ago. I recommend it to everyone I meet who smokes

r/politics • comment
1 points • killsforsporks

When you're ready to stop smoking, read this book: Ashton Kutcher famously spoke about it on Leno if you wanna look up the video. I was smoker for about twenty five years and I just hit the three year mark of being an ex smoker on April 12th. This book has something like a 98% success rate and I am still amazed it worked. I'm not receiving any kind of commission or affiliate link. I'm just a happy ex smoker that wants to spread the joy!

r/smokingcessation • comment
1 points • Spumonihodgepodge

Quit Smoking the Easy Way by Alan Carr. I smoked for 17 years so just trust me. It sounds stupid but the book is good. If you look, you might be able to find it for free somewhere or just get it through amazon or audible.

r/news • comment
1 points • KillerPussy2

I stopped cold turkey while reading this book.

r/ireland • comment
1 points • bananacakesjoy

Bro, keep trying till you fucking beat them. Maybe this will help.

r/quittingsmoking • comment
1 points • Danjour

For the price of two packs of cigarettes and four hours of your time YOU can save your life. I smoked like a chimney for years and years, more than a pack a day.

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking is kinda amazing. Give it a shot. You can find free PDFs if you’re strapped for cash.

r/stopsmoking • post
6 points • Judheg
Stopping support I used

Been replying to other people's stories in separate comments, week 3 for me after many years of smoking. These are things that help me that might be useful for others.


  1. Alan Carr's book, or audio I found online. This book brain washed and convince me, that I don't lose anything when I give up smoking, and that every cigarettes we took, makes our addiction worse. There is a memorable analogy that he mentioned in the book. Craving is compared to a sore wound. Every time we smoke, we pushed the wound under our skin, it is gone for a while, but it also grows silently underneath, and soon reappear worse than it was.
  2. Being mindful about the habit, and being curious whenever the craving appears, notice, pay attention and let it pass:

r/orangetheory • comment
1 points • babyqueball718

I haven't smoked, but Nikki Glaser (comedian) smoked for a long time and continuously recommends this book: Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Good luck!

r/stopsmoking • comment
1 points • sonsue

It is called "The Easy Way." also Helped me. You can do this.

r/CasualConversation • comment
1 points • UnkleRinkus

Get Alan Carr's book, Easy way toostop smoking. Worked for me and millions of others.